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Hello all,

I was wondering how I can change which kinect the openni_launch openni.launch file selects? We have two kinects running on our machine and I want my program to use a specific one.

Thanks in advance!

Kind Regards, Martin

Originally posted by MartinW on ROS Answers with karma: 464 on 2012-10-26

Post score: 0


1 Answer 1


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Hi Martin! (it is funny to greet someone with the same name as yourself xD)

openni_launch has a parameter named device_id that allows you to select the kinect that you want to use:

<!-- device_id can have the following formats:
     "B00367707227042B": Use device with given serial number
     "#1"              : Use first device found
     "2@3"             : Use device on USB bus 2, address 3
     "2@0"             : Use first device found on USB bus 2
<arg name="device_id" default="#1" />

so, for instance, you can do:

roslaunch openni_launch openni.launch device_id:=whateveryourdeviceidis

I hope this helps

Originally posted by Martin Peris with karma: 5625 on 2012-10-26

This answer was ACCEPTED on the original site

Post score: 2

Original comments

Comment by sai on 2012-10-26:
I am actually having problem in making one device work..Only openni_camera package is working..Can you give me some suggestions on making Kinect work wih ROS Fuerte and ubuntu 12.04

Comment by Martin Peris on 2012-10-27:
Well... unfortunately the OpenNI driver is known to be not very stable on ROS Fuerte + Ubuntu 12.04. This question might shed some light: http://answers.ros.org/question/33622/openni_launch-not-working-in-fuerte-ubuntu-precise-1204/


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