I installed Fuerte Distribution on the "TurtleBot" netbook. My question is, do I need to install Fuerte Distribution on the workstation as well. Do I use the following link: http://www.ros.org/wiki/fuerte/Installation/Ubuntu to install Fuerte on my workstation. In the wiki, it only mentions of electric or diamondback versions of ROS for SDK setup [http://ros.org/wiki/Robots/TurtleBot/SDK%20Setup], not fuerte for workstation; so, this is confusing me.
What version to install on my workstation (fuerte or diamonback or electric) if I have fuerete installed on my "Turtlebot" Netbook.
Thank You
Originally posted by Amitosh on ROS Answers with karma: 1 on 2012-07-18
Post score: 0