just a quick question, does the scan (http://www.ros.org/doc/api/sensor_msgs/html/msg/LaserScan.html) topic's ranges array hold 360 values each representing a degree in a circle for the microsoft kinect?
For example, I've realized that index 180 (or 179?) is directly in front of the camera, does that make the next index 1 degree to the left/right?
One more explanation for clarity, sorry i'm having trouble explaining this in a manner i feel is clear, the kinect is vertex A, do depth scan ranges[180] and ranges[181] make a 1 degree angle at vertex A?
Thanks for any help!
Originally posted by Rydel on ROS Answers with karma: 600 on 2012-07-18
Post score: 2
Original comments
Comment by Rydel on 2012-07-18:
also is there a simple way to overlap the /scan data array onto the rgb data array? I guess I would just need to know what row the /scan topic is using but i'm not sure where to find that.
Comment by Felix Endres on 2012-07-19:
Are you talking about the depth image, a laser scanner or the kinect-transformed-to-laserscan?
Comment by Rydel on 2012-07-22:
sorry, im talking about the kinect-to-laserscan, a topic called /scan, the one the navigation stack uses to build 2-d maps on the turtlebot; http://www.ros.org/doc/api/sensor_msgs/html/msg/LaserScan.html