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Hello. I'm very new to linux and ros. I have installed ubuntu 11.10 on VMware. I have installed ROS following guide from here "http://www.ros.org/wiki/electric/Installation/Ubuntu" and openni_kinect from here "http://www.ros.org/wiki/openni_kinect". Now when I run "roscore" on one terminal (it runs successfully) and "rosrun openni_tracker openni_tracker" on other terminal, nothing is happening (even when I stand in front of sensor). When I run "rosnode list" on third terminal, there is "/openni_tracker" node added to the list. When I run "rostopic list" there is no new topics. After a while of nothingness, an error appears and it stops. The error is: "[ERROR] [1336588766.792536891]: InitFromXml failed: Xiron OS got an event timeout!" The "/openni_tracker" node is gone after that. Each time I try to run it again, I get error almost immediately. Error is: "[ERROR] [1337177233.598450808]: InitFromXml failed: Got a timeout while waiting for a network command to complete!". The "/openni_tracker" node is also created for a short period.

Also if I would try to launch other things, if something wouldn't work, it would be because some sort of timeout error so I guess it's the same problem. Please help.

Originally posted by nnyJoh on ROS Answers with karma: 1 on 2012-05-16

Post score: 0


1 Answer 1


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Hi there,

The Kinect device does not seem to work in a VM. The only solution I know is to dual boot Ubuntu.

Best regards.

Originally posted by Hansg91 with karma: 1909 on 2012-05-17

This answer was ACCEPTED on the original site

Post score: 0


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