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I've been struggling getting the Kinect arm calibration package to compile on Ubuntu 11.10 with Fuerte. I answered my first issue here which might need updating on the Turtlebot repo.

I'm still unable to resolve issues with:

turtlebot_kinect_arm_calibration/src/calibrate_kinect_checkerboard.cpp:317:5: error: ‘estimateRigidTransformationSVD’ is not a member of ‘pcl’

I believe the function ‘estimateRigidTransformationSVD’ is suppose to be in the rigid_transforms.hpp file. I can't find that file anywhere on my computer, but that might be because I am using PCL binaries?

rosmake pcl and rosmake pcl_ros build without failure. I also installed PCL through sudo apt-get install libpcl-all. Not sure what else to try...

Additionally, there is an OpenCV linker issues when the above issue is commented out. I'd love some help in getting this working, thanks!

Originally posted by Dave Coleman on ROS Answers with karma: 1396 on 2012-05-08

Post score: 1


1 Answer 1


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To followup on this old, unanswered question, I ended up figuring out how to port the code to Fuerte then Groovy, and update the depreciated PCL and OpenCV methods. My work for the ClamArm can be found here: https://github.com/davetcoleman/clam_catkin/tree/master/src/clam_vision

Originally posted by Dave Coleman with karma: 1396 on 2013-01-11

This answer was ACCEPTED on the original site

Post score: 1


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