Could anyone point me to where I could learn more about subscribing to a navigation goal. I have done the tutorials for subscribing and publishing to topics, but I don't know how to get the data out of the more complicated navigation message, into a way that I can use.
Thanks for any help.
Thank you mjcarrol for your example it was very helpful. To clarify for the future, to subscribe to a topic and use its information, I need to find the message type. Then I must include in my case for C++, the header file this message type uses, so geometry_msgs/PosesStamped. There is one thing I'm unsure about and it is mainly to do with my knowledge of C++ I think. How do you know to use pose.position.x?
Originally posted by amck77 on ROS Answers with karma: 13 on 2012-03-12
Post score: 0
Original comments
Comment by mjcarroll on 2012-03-13:
Can you clarify which navigation message you are referring to? There are several different kinds of navigation, depending on what stacks/packages you are using.
Comment by amck77 on 2012-03-14:
I am trying to subscribe to the topic /move_base_simple/goal . I'm using the Turtlebot navigation stack.