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I want to publish navigation goals to the turtlebot running the amcl_demo.launch with a specific map file.

In general when amcl_demo.launch file is launched with the mapfile, we can send the navigation goals to the turtlebot using the Rviz GUI tool. But i want to send the navigation goals to the turtlebot form a pyhton script that i have written the Navigation Goal parameters in it.

I could figure out that, the Rviz sends the navigation goals to the topic /move_base_simple/goal. I want to know the correct message format of the navigation goal that should be sent to the turtlebot.

How do i get this task done?? Anyone who knows the answer, please help me.

Thank You

Originally posted by bhanodhaynss on ROS Answers with karma: 11 on 2013-11-23

Post score: 1


1 Answer 1


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Is this what you are looking for.

rostopic pub /move_base_simple/goal geometry_msgs/PoseStamped '{ header: {stamp: now, frame_id: "map"}, pose: { position: {x: -4.560, y: 0.204, z: 0.0}, orientation: {w: 1.0}}}'

Originally posted by rnunziata with karma: 713 on 2013-11-24

This answer was ACCEPTED on the original site

Post score: 1

Original comments

Comment by bhanodhaynss on 2013-11-24:
Yes rnunziata, this is what i was searching for...Thank You can you please let me know the source of this answer, so that i would go into the details of it

Comment by rnunziata on 2013-11-25:
The information is here: http://docs.ros.org/api/geometry_msgs/html/msg/PoseStamped.html.

Comment by bhanodhaynss on 2013-11-25:
Thank You rnunziata

Comment by potatoo on 2021-02-02:
hi your information link is no more able to see. Can it possible to post again? As I'm actually not very understand the published meaning of the code.


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