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I am trying to work with mit's kinect demos , everything is comiled and running - the prime sense viewer works brilliantly tracking person's skeleton but I am not able to visualize the hand point cloud data in the rviz - /hand0_point2 and all other topic are not working as I executed ' rostopic hz /hand0_point2 ' and the terminal shows only 'suscribed to /hand0_point2 and nothing shows up after that.

  • in the rviz i am not able to see my skeleton and no hand point cloud .
  • the status of the topics in the rviz shows warning with yellow glow at the status

Originally posted by Robin Singh on ROS Answers with karma: 21 on 2011-09-20

Post score: 0


1 Answer 1


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Rviz will usually give you a more specific error when you expand the yellow status. That will usually give you a clue as to what it has a problem with.

Originally posted by akargol with karma: 126 on 2011-09-27

This answer was ACCEPTED on the original site

Post score: 2


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