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Hello. I would like to know in which format should I export a 3D work created in ArhiCAD in order to import it into Gazebo. Thank you.

Originally posted by szokei on ROS Answers with karma: 80 on 2011-08-23

Post score: 0

Original comments

Comment by mjcarroll on 2011-08-29:
Here is a question about going from Solidworks files to URDF and STL files, it may be a good reference as you approach the problem http://answers.ros.org/question/794/converting-solidworks-stuff-to-urdf-stl-and

Comment by szokei on 2011-08-26:
No it doesnt have this feature, neither .dae, .stl.

Comment by hsu on 2011-08-25:
Can ArchiCAD export models in COLLADA (.dae) or STL format?


2 Answers 2


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As far as I know, the only three formats supported by URDF/Gazebo/RViz are:

  • .dae (Collada)
  • .mesh (Ogre)
  • .stl

(also see this answer). Perhaps ArchiCAD can export to a format that can be imported by another program which can export into one of those formats. Perhaps this list of CAD programs and formats is of help (sorry, German link; the English Wikipedia page doesn't have ArchiCAD).

Originally posted by Martin Günther with karma: 11816 on 2011-08-28

This answer was ACCEPTED on the original site

Post score: 2

Original comments

Comment by szokei on 2011-09-20:
I have obtained my file in .3ds, which i could load into MeshLab successfully, the further transformations failed because the loaded .stl and .dae files into RViz were proven to be with lacks. Just a few objects were visible from the created 3D environemnt. Although loading the .stl, .dae files works correctly in MeshLab. Anyone could help me by transforming my file using other 3D converter?

Comment by mjcarroll on 2011-08-29:
I have found that you can use MeshLab (http://meshlab.sourceforge.net/) to transfer between other intermediate formats, as well. It may take a bit more work to clean up, but it generally does a pretty good job.


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making a quickly "googling" I found this:

STL file format contains 3D model information, but ArchiCAD supports other 3D export file formats such as DWG, 3DS, C4D, U3D, etc., ArchiCAD models cannot be saved directly to .STL format. These 3D file formats need to be converted to STL file format using a converter application, for example the 3D Object Converter which can be found at http://web.axelero.hu/karpo/.

This converter is only available for windows. After the conversion you should be able to open the 3D model in Gazebo following the link posted for mjcarrol under you question (hsu answer - posted 29 apr)

Originally posted by Bemfica with karma: 482 on 2011-08-29

This answer was NOT ACCEPTED on the original site

Post score: 2

Original comments

Comment by hsu on 2011-09-20:
can you post an example of mesh failing to load? it would help if we could reproduce the error.

Comment by szokei on 2011-09-20:
Im getting .stl and .dae from MeshLab.

Comment by hsu on 2011-09-20:
@szokei: what format are you getting out of MeshLab that's loading faultily in rviz?

Comment by szokei on 2011-09-20:
The 3D converter mentioned by you is not free. I've used the MeshLab but somewhere is leading to a faulty loading into RViz.


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