Hello to all!
This is my first post here and don't know if this is the correct place to it.
My question is related to a laser that I'm trying to use inside ROS, it is an IBEO. image description http://www.isr.uc.pt/%7Eurbano/evsim/images/ibeo_guppy.jpg
This laser has four measuring channels and four what I've seen the "sensor_msgs/LaserScan" message only supports on channel at a time. is this correct?
If so, is there any other way to send the four channels ate once? I' would like to create a driver compatible with RVIZ.
Best regards, Mauro.
Originally posted by maurosmartins on ROS Answers with karma: 1 on 2011-07-13
Post score: 0
Original comments
Comment by Ivan Dryanovski on 2011-07-14:
Do you mean its a laser with 1 range reading, and 4 additional fields per reading (like intensity etc). Or is it 4 lasers rolled up into one device, producing 4 separate range readings? The answer I gave assumed the former