I'm looking at the C Turtle Gazebo documentation in /opt/ros/cturtle/stacks/simulator_gazebo/gazebo/build/gazebo/doc. I built C Turtle on an Ubuntu 10.04 LTS machine. The Gazebo HTML files are not in HTML format. For example, here is the beginning of mainpage.html:
/** \mainpage Gazebo
Gazebo is a multi-robot simulator for both indoor and outdoor environments. Like Stage, it is capable of simulating a population of
It appears that the documentation is in Doxygen format. I ran "rosmake simulator_gazebo", which said everything had been built correctly. Is there something else I need to do to get HTML Gazebo documentation?
Originally posted by Jim Rothrock on ROS Answers with karma: 792 on 2011-03-10
Post score: 0