Hello, I am trying to write a plugin for a camera. The building works fine, but when I launch the world I get the following error
Error [Plugin.hh:141] Failed to load plugin libvtol_camera.so: /home/mago/Development/Repository/ROS/labrob_hydro_hetcont/devel/lib/libvtol_camera.so: undefined symbol: _ZTIN6gazebo17DepthCameraPluginE
I am using Gazebo 2.1 and ROS hydro
Originally posted by Andrea on Gazebo Answers with karma: 72 on 2013-12-03
Post score: 0
Original comments
Comment by AndreiHaidu on 2013-12-04:
This may happen when your plugin is built but not linked, could you try adding this (if you don't have it already) to your CMakeLists file: target_link_libraries(vtol_camera ${catkin_LIBRARIES})
Comment by Andrea on 2013-12-04:
Hi, the plugin is actually linked: