I tried to follow the tutorial for the pid joint. With ROS groovy and Gazebo 1.3.
If I add the build dir to the ROS_PACKAGE_PATH
and run using: rosrun gazebo gazebo -u ../pid_joints.world It can find the plugin..
Error [Plugin.hh:126] Failed to load plugin libpid_joints.so: libpid_joints.so
I also tried it using the standalone Gazebo 1.5. Then the box is spawned but Gazebo crashes as I push the play button.
gazebo: symbol lookup error: /home/user/gazebo_pid_joints/build/libpid_joints.so: undefined symbol: _ZN6gazebo6common7Console8InstanceEv
Originally posted by Davinci on Gazebo Answers with karma: 65 on 2013-04-01
Post score: 0
Original comments
Comment by AndreiHaidu on 2013-04-01:
also could you change the questions title because it is not very relevant to the errors
Comment by gazer on 2013-05-20:
hello, so did you get it to work? for the second issue?