I recently read a paper titled Finding Locally Optimal, Collision-Free Trajectories with Sequential Convex Optimization by John Schulman, Jonathan Ho, Alex Lee, Ibrahim Awwal, Henry Bradlow and Pieter Abbeel.
The authors mention that the end-effector final pose constraint can be readily incorporated in the planning scheme which is based on solving an unconstrained optimization with the equality and inequality constraints added in penalty function.
Let $F_{targ} \in $ SE(3) be the desired pose and $F_{cur}(\theta)$ be the current pose, then the pose error is given as $F^{-1}_{targ}F_{cur}(\theta)$. However, I am wondering that if we plan motion in the joint space, then how can this error be incorporated in the objective function as a penalty term?,since $F_{cur}(\theta)$ is a highly nonlinear, $nonconvex$ forward kinematics map, are we linearizing the forward kinematics map to make it convex and add it in the penalty formulation?