I installed Gazebo Fortress following the instructions here on my laptop with Ubuntu 22.04. I was able to install it without any problems & I could see the app installed with the name Ignition Gazebo 6
. I am able to spawn it and run shapes.sdf file.
But when I try to spawn it using gz sim shapes.sdf
from here, it doesn't work. Here's the output I get:
This tool modifies various aspects of a running Gazebo simulation.
Usage: gz <command>
List of commands:
help Print this help text.
camera Control a camera
debug Returns completion list for a command. Used for bash completion.
help Outputs information about a command
joint Modify properties of a joint
log Introspects and manipulates Gazebo log files.
marker Add, modify, or delete visual markers
model Modify properties of a model
physics Modify properties of the physics engine
sdf Converts between SDF versions, and provides info about SDF files
stats Print statistics about a running gzserver instance.
topic Lists information about topics on a Gazebo master
world Modify world properties
Use "gz help <command>" to print help for a command.