I am working on a Gazebo simulation of a UR5 with a Robotiq 2f gripper (ROS Melodic + Ubuntu 18.04) and created my xacro file by loading the ur5 description, creating a world link and attaching the world link to the base_link of the robot as follows:
<?xml version="1.0" ?>
<robot name="ur5_2f85" xmlns:xacro="http://ros.org/wiki/xacro">
<xacro:arg name="kinematics_config" default="$(find ur_description)/config/ur5/default_kinematics.yaml"/>
<!-- ROBOT -->
<xacro:include filename="$(find ur_description)/urdf/common.gazebo.xacro"/>
<xacro:include filename="$(find ur_description)/urdf/ur5.urdf.xacro"/>
<xacro:ur5_robot prefix="" joint_limited="true"/>
<!-- WORLD -->
<link name="world"/>
<joint name="world_joint" type="fixed">
<parent link="world"/>
<child link="base_link"/>
<origin xyz="0 0 0" rpy="0 0 0"/>
<xacro:include filename="$(find ur5_description)/urdf/common/2f_coupling.urdf.xacro"/>
<xacro:coupling_robotiq_2f prefix="" parent="tool0">
<origin xyz="0 0 -0.0045" rpy="0 0 -1.5708"/>
<!-- GRIPPER -->
<xacro:include filename="$(find robotiq_85_description)/urdf/robotiq_85_gripper.urdf.xacro"/>
<xacro:robotiq_85_gripper prefix="" parent="coupling_gripper_fix">
<origin xyz="0 0 0" rpy="0 -1.5708 0"/>
<link name="tcp"/>
<joint name="tcp_to_gripper" type="fixed">
<parent link="tool0"/>
<child link="tcp"/>
<origin xyz="0 0 0.19" rpy="0 0 0"/>
<!-- GAZEBO -->
<plugin name="gazebo_ros_control" filename="libgazebo_ros_control.so">
I then used moveit to create custom configuration and whenever I try to launch the gazebo simulation (gazebo.launch) I get the following error:
Failed to build tree: parent link [tool0] of joint [tcp_to_gripper] not found. This is not valid according to the URDF spec. Every link you refer to from a joint needs to be explicitly defined in the robot description. To fix this problem you can either remove this joint [tcp_to_gripper] from your urdf file, or add "<link name="tool0" />" to your urdf file.
I tried removing the tcp link and rerunning the configuration, but again I end up with another error connecting to the robot itself:
Failed to build tree: child link [base_link] of joint [world_to_robot] not found.
In order to debug this problem, I checked my xacro file with the check_urdf command and the result looks fine
name is: ur5_2f85
---------- Successfully Parsed XML ---------------
root Link: world has 1 child(ren)
child(1): base_link
child(1): base
child(2): shoulder_link
child(1): upper_arm_link
child(1): forearm_link
child(1): wrist_1_link
child(1): wrist_2_link
child(1): wrist_3_link
child(1): ee_link
child(2): tool0
child(1): 2f_coupling
child(1): coupling_gripper_fix
child(1): gripper_base_link
child(1): gripper_finger1_inner_knuckle_link
child(1): gripper_finger1_finger_tip_link
child(2): gripper_finger1_knuckle_link
child(1): gripper_finger1_finger_link
child(3): gripper_finger2_inner_knuckle_link
child(1): gripper_finger2_finger_tip_link
child(4): gripper_finger2_knuckle_link
child(1): gripper_finger2_finger_link
child(2): tcp
Finally, I ran rviz and the robot is correctly visualized and fully controllable
Any leads on how to fix the xacro file? thanks in advance! :)
Originally posted by 3473f on ROS Answers with karma: 56 on 2021-11-16
Post score: 1
Original comments
Comment by osilva on 2021-11-16:
From what you shared one observation your links are missing physical properties so Gazebo as physical simulator will err.
Take a look at the following example that integrated Gazebo: https://github.com/lihuang3/ur5_ROS-Gazebo/blob/master/src/ur_description/ur5.urdf.xacro
Comment by 3473f on 2021-11-17:
I had a look through the source code and it seems he is calling ur_upload.launch to spawn the robot which in turn is calling ur5_joint_limited_robot.urdf.xacro where the world joint is exactly attached like mine.
Comment by osilva on 2021-11-17:
What about the gripper?
Comment by 3473f on 2021-11-17:
Doesn't seem to be the problem. I stripped down my model and only kept this part
<xacro:include filename="$(find ur_description)/urdf/ur5.urdf.xacro"/>
<xacro:ur5_robot prefix="" joint_limited="true"/>
which ended up with the following error
Error: No link elements found in urdf file
so it seems that (for whatever reason) the macro is not being instantiated.