I have followed this tutorial from this link https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YMG6D... for setting up and troubleshooting the ros networks. I have modified it precisely the same way as it is provided in the video. But when sending the rostopic data from the laptop to the robot, the robot cannot receive the data, but the rostopic list will shows the topic name. I have tried disabling the firewall too, but this has no effect. What could be the possible solution to this?
OS in robot: ubiquityrobot images: ubuntu 16.04. OS in laptop: ubuntu 16.04. ROS distro : kinetic
- I have tried using roswtf, and I have understood that two nodes are unable to establish a connection. But don't know what is blocking the rosnode to publish the data when running from the workstation.
- However topic publisher data from robot is received from the workstation.
- HOSTNAME and IP are set as described in the youtube link mentioned above.
Edit 1:
- workstation configuration
.bashrc - > last lines
export ROS_MASTER_URI=http://ubiquityrobot.local:11311
/etc/hosts -> file localhost maisa-K53E ubiquityrobot.local
# The following lines are desirable for IPv6 capable hosts
::1 ip6-localhost ip6-loopback
fe00::0 ip6-localnet
ff00::0 ip6-mcastprefix
ff02::1 ip6-allnodes
ff02::2 ip6-allrouters
- robot side
.bashrc -> last line
/etc/hosts -> lines localhost maisa-K53E
::1 localhost ip6-localhost ip6-loopback
ff02::1 ip6-allnodes
ff02::2 ip6-allrouters ubiquityrobot ubiquityrobot.local
roswtf output: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1aSdPzWWtV0FwyZBTCkgjQu1knXXOJFIm/view?usp=sharing
Edit 2: When publishing data on a topic from robot, we can see the topic as well as the data sent from the robot in the workstation but not vice-versa.
Originally posted by Shravista on ROS Answers with karma: 16 on 2022-09-07
Post score: 0
Original comments
Comment by ravijoshi on 2022-09-08:\
- How about setting
? - Additionally, people have reported that adding the hostname to the
file works. Please try.
Comment by Shravista on 2022-09-08:
I will share the configuration that I am using on my laptop and robot, to make it clear. I have updated the question
Comment by Shravista on 2022-09-08:
I am actually using the hosts' file.
Comment by ravijoshi on 2022-09-08:
and /etc/hosts
need to be configured properly. Please search here or in Google about the details.
Comment by Shravista on 2022-09-09:
combining ROS_IP and /etc/hosts together are not working for me. I have followed exactly in ros tutorials too. But still not sure.