I am working on a tele-operation mode of a mobile robot, from a control station.
The control station and the robot is connected to the same WIFI network and both can ping to each other.
The problem comes when i want to see the LIDAR map/readings on the control station.
When i rostopic list on my control station, i could see the topic. However, when I echo that topic, i didn't receive any message. When i open RViz and add the map , it doesn't show anything(because the message wasn't received in the first place). RViz freezes too when i try to add the map. This does not happens to the other topics. For eg, the topic odom can be echo-ed.
I tried with Ethernet , it works(but it has its own issues ), but i need to be connected through a same WIFI network.
What could be the problem here??
Too much data being published?(when i do a rostopic echo in the vehicle, my screen would be flooded with values)
WIFI connection? (i set up a bidirectional networking by exporting ROS_IP and ROS_MASTER_URI, do i have to do anything else?)
RViz issues? (it freezes, turns grey when i try )
Any other things i am missing out?
and possible solution for this?
Originally posted by Azhar on ROS Answers with karma: 100 on 2017-03-16
Post score: 0
Original comments
Comment by NEngelhard on 2017-03-17:
What is your ROS_MASTER_URI and ROS_IP on both computers?
Comment by Azhar on 2017-03-17:
A : Control station, my laptop B: mobile robot
in A,
export ROS_IP=<IP address of A>
export ROS_MASTER_URI=http://<IP address of B>:11311/
in B (MASTER),
export ROS_IP=<IP address of B>