I'm trying to simulate a multi robot system with 2 UR3. So far I've managed to launch the simulation with both robotic arms and start a single instance of rviz with MoveIt for each robot. At this point i can plan the motion for each robot simultaneously, as they have a separate instance of MoveIt running within their proper namespace.
The problem I'm facing is that the robots can collide with each other (They are close enought in the simulation). As MoveIt is running independently for each robot the motion planning is not able to "see" the other robotic arm. So I'm wondering if there's a way to make each robot aware of the position of the other in Rviz in order to be able to plan motion without collision.
I'm working in ubuntu 20.04, with ROS1 noetic and 2 UR3.
Originally posted by IgnacioUD on ROS Answers with karma: 47 on 2021-03-18
Post score: 0