I just did:
sudo apt-get autoremove libeigen3-dev
Afterwards roscd is not working anymore:
roscd kuka_arm
No command 'roscd' found, did you mean:
Command 'rosco' from package 'python-rosinstall' (universe)
roscd: command not found
Yes I sourced my workspace. and I also did:
rosdep init
rosdep update
source /opt/ros/kinetic/setup.bash
So I just also found out that ros-kinetic-cv-bridge requires libeigen3-dev. That is why if you do
sudo apt-get autoremove libeigen3-dev
cv-bridge will also be uninstalled. However all the packages I unfortunately also deleted when doing autoremove command above I could reinstall. But roscd is still not working...
Originally posted by Markus on ROS Answers with karma: 311 on 2018-10-15
Post score: 0