So I am trying to install the following packages on a few systems with Melodic:
- ros-melodoc-rosdoc-lite (wiki, bionic_jenkins_job, stretch_jenkins_job)
- ros-melodoc-navigation (wiki, bionic_jenkins_job, stretch_jenkins_job)
- ros-melodoc-map-server (wiki, bionic_jenkins_job, stretch_jenkins_job)
In each case the shows that they have packages for melodic, and that the jenkins binary jobs passed for both stretch and bionic, but they are not available in
They also are not in the packages file for the their respective disto (bionic, stretch)
So my main question are this packages released for Melodic and is the wiki correct with its status of the respective packages?
Originally posted by qnetjoe on ROS Answers with karma: 30 on 2018-08-14
Post score: 0