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ROS 2 package Rsrc pipeline fails due to changed tracks.yaml

On 3/6/2024 I noticed that the Rsrc Jenkins pipeline for my package failed, even though I haven't changed the package since October.
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ROS 2 cross-compile cannot handle custom dependency

Issue Reproduction Hello, I am currently working on cross-compiling ROS 2 from x86 to ARM. In my project, I have overwritten some of the built-in ROS 2 packages and also created some custom basic ...
aezakmi's user avatar
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Can I get the current git commit in the ROS buildfarm binary packaging step?

In our ros package providing a GUI tool we recently added the feature of showing the git commit hash of this build in the "about" window, to easily identify the running version. After ...
ottojo's user avatar
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buildfarm fails for noetic with KeyError: libcurlpp-dev

We are trying to release the packages in pf_lidar_ros_driver for melodic and noetic. We have been able to release for ...
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Two index.yaml files

Hi, Is it possible to have two index.yaml files in ~/.config/rosdistro/config.yaml? What I'm trying to do is to basically have ros source some proprietary packages ...
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[buildfarm] dpkg-shlibdeps: error: cannot find library

I'm trying to release paho.mqtt.cpp as a dependency of one of our packages. If fails on the error: dpkg-shlibdeps: error: cannot find library ...
Timple's user avatar
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apt update: signatures were invalid: F42ED6FBAB17C654

Edit2: for full details, see ROS GPG Key Expiration Incident on ROS Discourse. For a summary of the fix, see the accepted answer below. Edit: removed the work-around. Don't use it. See the answer ...
gvdhoorn-rse's user avatar
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ROS2 build farm expectations using bloom

With bloom I know I can release ROS2 packages into the ROS2 build farm and CI. My question is where is it defined what is available in the build beyond what's specified in the ...
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Kinetic prerelease KeyError: "The cache has no package named 'ros-kinetic-dynamic-reconfigure'"

Hi! I am in the process of releasing a new version (2.0.4) of the package While for melodic everything went through smoothly, I am running into issues when trying to ...
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Possible to have buildfarm status in PR on Github?

I have configured bloom to enable Pull Request testing on the buildfarm. On the Github side, giving admin access to the whole org seems a bit too much, so I am using the alternative solution using ...
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How to fix unstable build on buildfarm for noetic because of CMP0048?

I have just released my package on Neotic and the buildfarm reports an unstable build on Ndev_* because of CMake warning CMP0048 than means that ...
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Buildfarm - Failing to find dependencies

I'm having trouble building a ros2 package on the buildfarm. It seems to be having issues finding the packages listed in CMakeLitst.txt. Error messages are as follows: ...
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Using unreleased test dependencies on the ROS build farm

Is there a recommended way to use unreleased dependencies in tests executed on the ROS build farm? In my specific case we use MoveIt robot configuration packages to test an inverse kinematics plugin. ...
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Difference between Jenkins log and generated package (lib prefix)

Hi, I am trying to debug a failure in setting up the CMake variables for library installation. I am inspecting the generated package (ros-kinetic-eigenpy, version ...
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Could not resolve the rosdep key 'catkin'

Hello! Building packages on a local build farm (not my own packages, the same packages as in the official ROS distros), yesterday everything worked fine, but today, all build jobs fail with: ...
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Setting up a buildfarm with chroot

Hello everyone! As far as I understand, it's currently not supported to run all roles (master, agent, repo) of a build farm on the same machine. I thought it might be possible by giving each of them a ...
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Is code analyzer supported in ros_buildfarm?

Hi, I am interested in the "Make ROS package quality visible" work by the Quality Assurance WG. Is it currently supported to execute code analysis on the ros_buildfarm? I found some scripts ...
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[clarification] Packages built during potential compromise in 2019

First of all apologies for my nescience about the recent security issue on buildfarm but I truly appreciate the quick turnout! For the packages that are built and distributed while the security ...
IsaacS's user avatar
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Blacklist ROS2 package for ARM build

I've recently added a repository with three ROS2 packages ( to the Crystal distribution ( The ...
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My package added to shadow-fixed repository with bloom is installed into a wrong path

Environment OS: Ubuntu 16.04 ROS distro: Kinetic bloom version: 0.6.7 catkin_pkg version: 0.4.9 rosdep version: 0.12.2 rosdistro version: 0.6.9 vcstools version: 0.1.40 What I'm working on I've just ...
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ROS Melodic Packages Missing (Buildfarm Issue?)

So I am trying to install the following packages on a few systems with Melodic: ros-melodoc-rosdoc-lite (wiki, bionic_jenkins_job, stretch_jenkins_job) ros-melodoc-navigation (wiki, ...
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Release process of buildfarm

Hi, currently I have a failing build (xenial, x64) in Travis due to a missing package on the shadow-fixed repository. The package is "ros-kinetic-moveit-planners-ompl", yet I don't want to ...
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Most jobs fail in my buildfarm

I configured a buildfarm and triggered an import upstream job with the build parameters as mentioned in the documentation. But, most of the jobs failed to build. Also, is there any way one can educate ...
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buildfarm: Melodic build with qt_gui_cpp dependency doesn't install qtbase5-dev

Hi, I'm trying to release a package in Melodic (find_object_2d) that depends on qt_gui_cpp (in its package.xml). Normally, in previous distributions (Lunar, Kinetic, Indigo...), qt_gui_cpp will ...
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buildfarm: error while trying to run reconfigure script for master

Hello, I am trying to setup a build farm to build our software solution. However I have an error when I run ./reconfigure.bash master Here's the output: ...
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What is the update policy on Jenkins plugins for the buildfarm?

After deploying a Jenkins master using buildfarm_deployment the Jenkins management interface shows quite a few plugins have outstanding updates and Jenkins itself ...
gvdhoorn-rse's user avatar
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Buildfarm doesn't define the ROS_DISTRO environment variable

My package uses the $ROS_DISTRO environment variable at configure time for dh_installudev and for differences between Indigo and ...
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ROS buildfarm CI fails with "UNSTABLE" status?

E.g. in this PR ROS buildfarm CI failed but I cannot find anything actually failed in its CI output, where the build result is unstable. While I understand that ...
IsaacS's user avatar
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Buildfarm addon fork requires ros-"my_distribution"-catkin

Hi, me again. Have achieved great progress last several weeks in deploying a buildfarm. Thanks for the help on my previous questions. I am doing an addon fork with a customized distribution e.g. "...
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buildfarm dev job crashes with apt key error

Hi, Was trying to configure a addon fork of buildfarm, using the following rosdistro configuration: ...
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groovy script failed in Krel_reconfigura-jobs

Hi, I was trying to setup a buildfarm for my group. I have ran import_upstream successfully. Then next I triggered "Krel_reconfigure-jobs". It took a lot of time to finish configuring tons ...
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Buildfarm pull request test fails without its reason indicated

A pull request test (for this PR) keeps failing on buildfarm. Looking at its full log I can't find the reason -- tests seem to be passing. I appreciate if someone could take a look at the full log and ...
IsaacS's user avatar
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Depending on unreleased versions of packages

Suppose I have a package A that has been released using bloom, and I am developing a package B that depends on A. Then, I add new functionality to A, and B makes use of this new functionality. If I ...
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[buildfarm] Missing package dependencies: %PKG_NAME%/package.xml

Pull request test on ROS buildfarm for this and this pull requests, both are in the same repo, errored with the following or similar:
IsaacS's user avatar
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New release while ignoring EOL Ubuntu distro

Kind of continuing from a discussion Drop support for Wily. MoveIt! release for Indigo is stuck at Ubuntu Saucy, which reached the end of life in July 2014. Is there a way to make a release ignoring a ...
IsaacS's user avatar
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Build failing because of dependency issue

I currently have a build failing on the buildfarm. The reason seems to be a version check on a dependency : ...
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Creating a Node which uses a proprietary library using ROS Build Farm

Background: I'm planning to create a ROS node that requires a proprietary library. The library, and associated header file, is only available as either a ZIP archive via HTTP or as Debian binary ...
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buildfarm Krel_import-package checksum error

Hi, I got a lot of emails from the buildfarm concerning sourcedebs checksum errors: ...
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Examine ROS buildfarm pull request testing result output

I particularly have no clue in how to analyze the result of pull request testing on ROS buildfarm. A test on buildfarm for one of my PRs fails, while the tests in the repo run on Travis CI succeeds. ...
IsaacS's user avatar
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ros buildfarm: package build failed because include not found

Hi, I submit my package into the ros buildfarm. It can be compiled successfully on local machine and in But in ROS buildfarm it says: Command failed, exiting. Project 'dji_sdk_lib' ...
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rosdistro cache failing with yaml.scanner.ScannerError: mapping values are not allowed here

I had set permissions on my internal rosdistro restrictively- it required an ssh key to access. My current solution is to make the rosdistro gitlab project 'public' within my lan and this error goes ...
Lucas Walter's user avatar
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Failed to fetch from local buildfarm repo

I'm at the rosdistro cache step of deploy_configuration.rst import_upstream was successful, but other jenkins jobs try to interact with my local buildfarm repo (ros-build-farm-repo) and fail: ...
Lucas Walter's user avatar
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rosdistro add-on fork

I'm following custom_rosdistro.rst#add-on-fork and this ros-sig-buildfarm thread about using the custom rosdistros list that additional distribution file after the "normal" one in the index....
Lucas Walter's user avatar
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ros buildfarm for internal projects only

I've created three virtual machines for master/repo/slave following and My goal is to build a set of packages ...
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Jenkins build became unstable - what am I supposed to do?

Hi, I just released a new version of an existing package. Before the release I ran the prerelease test successfully. Now I got an email from the ROS Buildfarm with the subject: "Jenkins build ...
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what is needed in order to add support for building archlinux packages from ROS packages automatically?

ROS supports the generation of debian packages via the buildfarm. Currently ArchLinux supports ROS via the AUR, which means users need to compile (via archlinux's "makepkg" tool) packages ...
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Dependencies not satisfied: ros-indigo-gazebo5-msgs?

I am releasing a package via Bloom into ROS Indigo that depends on gazebo_msgs. Since the Indigo-supported version of Gazebo v2.x...
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Is there a 3rd-party buildfarm for pre-release tests?

Hi, As the ROS buildfarm does not perform pre-release tests anymore (see ), I tried to setup a virtual maschine with ...
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No more prerelease test on the buildfarm?

Hi, I'd like to make a prerelease test for a package in Indigo on the buildfarm as described at
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Failed to Fetch While Releasing

Misbehaving Release Binary W: Failed to fetch 404 Not Found [IP: 80] That doesn'...
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