Hi, all. Thanks to @Akif, I have succesfully implemented a package to switch global planner as this link advises. Then I also want to implement a package to switch local planner as the way I did in implementing the global planner switcher. Unfortunately, it was not as smooth as the implementation of global planner switcher. After I implemented a supervisory local planner and launched move_base to test it. An error was output:
[FATAL] [1499944083.575647406, 2061.510000000]: Failed to create the sup_local_planner/sup_l_planner planner, are you sure it is properly registered and that the containing library is built? Exception: Failed to load library /home/scopus/scopus_planning_ws/devel/lib//libsup_local_planner.so. Make sure that you are calling the PLUGINLIB_EXPORT_CLASS macro in the library code, and that names are consistent between this macro and your XML. Error string: Could not load library (Poco exception = /home/scopus/scopus_planning_ws/devel/lib//libsup_local_planner.so: undefined symbol: _ZN11suplPlanner13sup_l_plannerD1Ev)
The content of blp_plugin.xml file is :
<library path="lib/libsup_local_planner">
<class name="sup_local_planner/sup_l_planner" type="suplPlanner::sup_l_planner" base_class_type="nav_core::BaseLocalPlanner">
A implementation of a local planner using DWA and ftc approach based on configuration parameters.
Parts of my cpp file is:
PLUGINLIB_EXPORT_CLASS(suplPlanner::sup_l_planner, nav_core::BaseLocalPlanner)
namespace suplPlanner {
sup_l_planner::sup_l_planner(std::string name, tf::TransformListener *tf, costmap_2d::Costmap2DROS *costmap_ros)
initialize(name, tf, costmap_ros);
void sup_l_planner::initialize(std::string name, tf::TransformListener *tf, costmap_2d::Costmap2DROS *costmap_ros)
//costmap_ros_ = costmap_ros;
pl_type_ = FTC_L;
ftc_planner_ = boost::shared_ptr<ftc_local_planner::FTCPlanner>(new ftc_local_planner::FTCPlanner(name, tf, costmap_ros));
dwa_planner_= boost::shared_ptr<dwa_local_planner::DWAPlannerROS>(new dwa_local_planner::DWAPlannerROS(name,tf, costmap_ros));
ros::NodeHandle private_nh("~/sup_l_Planner");
change_plan_srv_= private_nh.advertiseService("change_plan",&sup_l_planner::changepl, this);
initialized_ = true;
ROS_WARN("This planner has already been initialized, you can't call it twice, doing nothing");
You can see that the name of space and the name of class are consistent. So I can't understand why the output error says : "
........., and that names are consistent between this macro and your XML. Error string: Could not load library ......
Looking forward to anyone give me any advice!
Thank you !
Originally posted by scopus on ROS Answers with karma: 279 on 2017-07-13
Post score: 0