I have a GPS that connected to Arduino and publish Fix msg for longitude and latitude, and then convert it to UTM system. I am trying to preform an outdoor navigation while avoiding obstacle.
I have the following questions:
1- What are the options of using the GPS with RVIZ or any other tool, and is it necessary to convert longitude and latitude to UTM system.
2- If GPS is connected to a frame like base link and base link is provide The GPS data as an odometer after changing it to UTM then base link and odometer must be at the same coordination. When I view it, but its not at the same coordination. note that I am subscribing to odom and publish the GPS with IMU data as an odom1.
3- In Rviz if I put the fixed frame as an odom1 and the target frame as base link, and the base as axis I will see the axis in the space; this mean what is this mean that the base link not on the same odometery frame? or its mean that the odometer is very big and the base link is small related to the odometer?
sorry if there is anything not clear.
I hope any one can provide me with tool or something to read regards to this point, thanks for help.
note: I am using GPS_common pkg to convert long and latt to UTM system edit: clarifying the question in point 3.
Originally posted by ghaith on ROS Answers with karma: 89 on 2017-07-11
Post score: 1