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Hi, I'm new in this and I have to choose a robotic platform. I'm gonna work in a robotic platform with a kinect (from the xbox 360) using ROS packages to do SLAM (simultaneous localization and mapping). More than anything I need orientation about how to proceed in this subject. My goal is through a 2WD mobile robot do SLAM in a room for instance. I know that are some useful packages in ROS like gmapping and rviz, but I'm lost in the procedure.

Thanks in advance

Originally posted by gerson_n on ROS Answers with karma: 43 on 2017-04-06

Post score: 0


1 Answer 1


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How about starting with a Turtlebot?

You can even [simulate it in Gazebo](Gazebo Bringup Guide) and follow the navigation tutorials

Originally posted by Martin Peris with karma: 5625 on 2017-04-07

This answer was ACCEPTED on the original site

Post score: 3

Original comments

Comment by gerson_n on 2017-08-28:
Thanks man. By now I'm quite advanced with my project. So it'd be solved :)

Comment by Martin Peris on 2017-08-28:
Happy to hear that, if you think this answer solved your question, please mark it as "Correct" by clicking the round button with a check mark located on the left side of the answer

Comment by gerson_n on 2017-08-29:
Done man :)


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