hi everyone, i'm facing some error or strange behaviour when rotating my camera along the yaw axis. i'm running the handheld tutorial (http://wiki.ros.org/rtabmap_ros/Tutorials/HandHeldMapping) with a orbbec astra (running with the astra_camera ros package). i put the camera on a tripod just to be sure to not translate my camera while rotating it, however the odometry shows an unexpected translation on the y axis (as you can see in the attached pictures). Any sort of help will be very appreciated.
ps. i'm not sure the browser to have attached my file.. in case you can find it here https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B5G6Ct8c7jq7V3lMcWwzMThEMms
Originally posted by aerydna on ROS Answers with karma: 51 on 2017-02-07
Post score: 0