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Hello there,

I wanted to know if there is any easy way of saving a plan object to disk or write it as a string.

E.g. you calculated a motion plan for your robot and the next time you load the simulation the same plan should be used for execution.

Couldn't find anything about that.

Originally posted by F4bich on ROS Answers with karma: 79 on 2016-10-05

Post score: 0


1 Answer 1


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Hi F4bich,

There is no standard way to write a motion plan to disk, but it is relatively easy to do using rosbags. Using the rosbag API (found here), it is very easy to store and read from disk.

Originally posted by rbbg with karma: 1823 on 2016-10-05

This answer was ACCEPTED on the original site

Post score: 1


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