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Hi everyone,

Now, I'm trying to use /robot_pose_ekf to publish the transform from odom -> base_footprint in gazebo simulation.

The tf tree tells me that the broadcaster of odom -> base_footprint is /gazebo, but I want it to be /robot_pose_ekf.

So I think the point to this question is how to prevent gazebo publishing the transform of odom -> base_footprint and let /robot_pose_ekf send the transform to /tf.

Actually, the tf tree shows both /gazebo and /robot_pose_ekf are connected to /tf, while /tf are using the transform of gazebo instead of /robot_pose_ekf, too bad :(

Any advice is welcome. Thanks in advance!


Originally posted by Clack on ROS Answers with karma: 75 on 2016-03-17

Post score: 0


1 Answer 1


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Hi all,

I've fixed this problem, please refer to here.

Thank you for your attention ;)

Originally posted by Clack with karma: 75 on 2016-03-22

This answer was ACCEPTED on the original site

Post score: 0


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