Hi all,
I'm using robot_pose_ekf with gazebo simulator.
Now, I've encountered with a problem that the /robot_pose_ekf only takes in /odom while the IMU data is not transferred.
To be more detailed, /gazebo published IMU data as topic: /mobile_base/sensors/imu_data [sensor_msgs/Imu]. However, /robot_pose_ekf didn't subscribe this topic, instead it listen to /imu_data which has no publisher! I feel it so strange and cannot understand it at all.
Can anyone tell me how to let /robot_pose_ekf subscribe the right topic from /gazebo? FYI, in the launch file of /robot_pose_ekf I tuned "odom_used" "imu_used" to "true" and "vo_used" to "false".
Any hints are welcome.
Thank you in advance.
Originally posted by Clack on ROS Answers with karma: 75 on 2016-03-17
Post score: 0