Hi everyone,
I am trying to build a map using gmapping with my robot in Gazebo,and I faced a problem about setting up the right tf so the gmapping can do the right job.
Now I am able to load the urdf file into Gazebo, display it in rviz and observe the data of Laser scans.
But when I use the command rosrun gmapping slam_gmapping,it says
[ WARN] [1455451234.661271473, 384.435000000]: MessageFilter [target=odom ]: Dropped 100.00% of messages so far. Please turn the [ros.gmapping.message_notifier] rosconsole logger to DEBUG for more information.
I suppose the tf or the odom is not set propelly,so I tried rosrun tf view_frames, and I get
I have also checked the tutorials and books,but these mostly use packages like turtlebot etc. in a bag playback mode rather than real-time gmapping and I could not understand how to boardcast the right transform in this case.
Can any one help on this issue? What are the exact things I need to do? Many thanks in advance!
Originally posted by edmond320 on ROS Answers with karma: 61 on 2016-02-14
Post score: 0