I'd like to use bag files as a generic output data format, but I'd also like to display text and numbers out of the bags in a javascript browser environment. It isn't necessary to handle arrays of binary data.
Is it possible to read a bag directly from javascript (using a library)?
Or what would be a good way to save data into a bag (which is easy with the rosbag api), then programmatically convert the bag to json, yaml, or less desirably a csv? It looks like from http://answers.ros.org/question/55037/is-there-a-way-to-save-all-rosbag-data-into-a-csv-or-text-file/ there are command lines to convert to csv, is there an api call to do the same thing?
Originally posted by lucasw on ROS Answers with karma: 8729 on 2016-02-08
Post score: 1