I want to be able to parse out bag files. I don't need to produce or change the bag files just read and parse them so I can use the data downstream in a couple of different systems/formats.
Using python is fine, and I am just trying to run this: import rosbag bag = rosbag.Bag('myfile.bag') for topic, msg, t in bag.read_messages(topics=['chatter', 'numbers']): print msg bag.close()
However, I can't seem to find a way to install the rosbag package.
I've tried variations of pip install rosbag.
From reading I see if I was on Ubuntu I should: sudo apt-get install python-rosbag
I don't have Ubuntu. Ideally I'd like to do this on CentOS and/or Mac OSX.
Of course, in testing on OSX, there's no apt-get and doesn't seem to be any homebrew equivalent...
Again I don't want to have to completely install ROS, just the python libs to parse the bag files.
Originally posted by JohnH on ROS Answers with karma: 13 on 2020-02-04
Post score: 1