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I am trying to build a navigation system, but am a bit confused about the configuration of my global costmap for move_base.

I am using gmapping to create a map of the environment, which is published to /map.

I want global_costmap to use this map while planning, so I set static_map to true.

I find that global_costmap will load an obstacle layer and inflation layer by default.

Should I keep the obstacle layer? Wouldn't it just be redundant with the gmapping?

Originally posted by Sebastian on ROS Answers with karma: 363 on 2015-08-18

Post score: 1


1 Answer 1


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I agree that it would most likely be redundant in the global_costmap, so you should not keep it.

Originally posted by David Lu with karma: 10932 on 2015-08-19

This answer was ACCEPTED on the original site

Post score: 1

Original comments

Comment by Sebastian on 2015-08-19:
Thank you very much.

Comment by moooeeeep on 2017-03-23:
Wouldn't it make sense to keep the obstacle layer, given it uses a VoxelLayer (2.5d obstacle info) while the SLAM node (gmapping) might not?

Comment by David Lu on 2017-03-26:
If the obstacle layer is a voxel layer, then possibly it might not be redundant.


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