Hi there !
We've got a problem ( my classmate and I) about the multi-robot supervision on Rviz. We would like to see 2 turtlebots on the workstation Rviz but we don't know if we have to do a .launch file where turtlebot commands and names are but we aren't sure. We think ROS_NAMESPACE could make a mistake on the network when we're trying to put 2 turtlebots on Rviz. For the moment, we use : roscore on the workstation. ROS_NAMESPACE=turtlebotX roslaunch turtlebot_bringup minimal.launch for each turtlebot, where X is a letter about a turtlebot ( turtlebotA, turtlebotB). ROS_NAMESPACE=turtlebotX roslaunch turtlebot_bringup 3dsensor.launch for each turtlebot. After this command, we've got a problem with warning flood on each prompt of turtlebot computer. They seems to be a warning about tf_old_data on the turtlebotB only.
roslaunch turtlebot_rviz_launchers view_robot.launch The workstation can control one of them but only if they're not connected at the same time on it. If A and B are connected, the workstation only see on Rviz the same turtlebot( in ur case, A). So maybe it's about alphabetical order and the workstation always store turtlebotA. We can see the turtlebot's camera and we can move it with teleop keyboard command. So, the real questions are : need a .launch? if yes, what kind of information do we write inside? does we make a mistake with command or forgot useful command to do?
Thanks for listening.
Originally posted by florian2 on ROS Answers with karma: 16 on 2015-02-12
Post score: 0