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I recently upgraded my razer_hydra install to the indigo branch, and made sure that the udev rules were properly installed. Now when I run the command:

roslaunch razer_hydra hydra.launch publish_tf:=true

I get the output:

process[razer_hydra_driver-1]: started with pid [8245]
[ INFO] [1405699624.237070758]: Using filter corner frequency of 3.0 Hz
[ INFO] [1405699624.255034176]: Setting pivot offset [0.040, 0.000, 0.000]
[ INFO] [1405699624.255136486]: Setting grab offset [0.120, 0.000, 0.000]
[ INFO] [1405699624.255200864]: Sending messages using the 'grab' frame.
[ INFO] [1405699624.255261153]: Publishing frame data to TF.
[ INFO] [1405699624.279980897]: opening hydra on /dev/hydra
[ INFO] [1405699624.280525075]: starting stream... (first packet takes a few seconds)

and the process hangs there.

Has anyone else had this problem? When I was using the hydro branch, things worked fine.

Thanks! Kel

Originally posted by Kel on ROS Answers with karma: 65 on 2014-07-18

Post score: 0


1 Answer 1


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Looking at the code:


It's working just as intended. Have you checked that you can rostopic echo joy


Originally posted by DevonW with karma: 644 on 2014-07-18

This answer was ACCEPTED on the original site

Post score: 1

Original comments

Comment by Kel on 2014-07-18:
So I didn't realize that the line of code was removed that said something like "First message recieved, everything should be working now" However, I get nothing from rostopic echo /hydra_joy

Comment by Kel on 2014-07-18:
Could this be a problem with the udev rules? When I downloaded the source and catkin_made, it did not place the 99-hydra-indigo in my udev folder. I had to do it manually.

Comment by Kel on 2014-07-18:
Ok, so I blew away my build and devel and catkin_make again. I also switched from the ros fork to you aleeper git, and it works fine. So not sure if it was my environment or something in the hydro-devel branch of the ros fork. Probably my workspace :) Thanks for the help!

Comment by DevonW on 2014-07-18:
All you my friend.


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