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Hi all

I confronted a problem. In my application, I need to reset the pose of the robot now and then (by publish to the /initialpose for amcl), however, after I have reset the robot pose, the previous obstacles around the robot are still there on the costmap (global costmap and/or local?) which always resulted in no valid path found by the navfn global planner. I am asking what is the right way to clear out the obstacles on the costmap after I reset the pose of the robot? I am now using fuete.

Thank you everyone!

Originally posted by dalishi on ROS Answers with karma: 89 on 2014-06-09

Post score: 1


1 Answer 1


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I use the /move_base/clear_costmaps service.

Originally posted by dornhege with karma: 31395 on 2014-06-09

This answer was ACCEPTED on the original site

Post score: 2

Original comments

Comment by dalishi on 2014-06-09:
Thanks dornhege

Comment by Dharmateja Kadem on 2016-06-09:
will clear_costmaps service clears both static and dynamic obstacles or only dynamic obstacles (which are not there in the map) ?

Comment by Procópio on 2016-10-21:
@Dharmateja Kadem, you must configure the layers you want to clean, so it depends what layers you have and how you populated them. if you want more details, please ask a new question.


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