Hi I'm using hector_mapping on pandaboard es with arch linux+hydro installed. I have hokuyo urg 04lx. However when i start mapping with default settings. rosrun urg_node urg_node roslaunch hector_mapping mapping_default.launch (Static transform from base_footprint to laser) Nothing else However, when i type "top" to see its cpu usage. It shows nothing below %105.. how can i reduce this. It this normal? Am i doing something wrong? Is it better option for me to use laser_scan_matcher + gmapping
Edit: I installed ros-base from Aur repository using yaourt. After that i cloned hector_slam from from github to my catkin directory and catkin_make only hector_mapping (i installed every dependencies of it)
Originally posted by lvntbkdmr on ROS Answers with karma: 23 on 2014-04-09
Post score: 0