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Questions tagged [cpu]

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How to utilize GPU by using turtlesim tool in my nvidia jetson agx orin developer kit

I have installed ROS2 on my nvidia jetson agx orin developer kit. So, I want to utilize GPU, when turtlesim tool is running, but unable, is there any way to utilize GPU by turtlesim.
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Rotot hardware - batteries considerations

[please dont downvote, just let me know what infos are missing] I built my second robot and I always end up with the same issue ... The CPU board always resets when a high rush of current is demanded ...
phil's user avatar
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Rviz2 high CPU usage on Ubuntu Server

Running Rviz2 in Docker using Ubuntu server (22.04.3 LTS) shows a high CPU usage. Running the same docker container on a desktop using Ubuntu 22.04.3 LTS shows very different results. No topics were ...
joachim's user avatar
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Does ROS 2 support Intel i7 CPU?

For Running ROS 2: Do in need a amd CPU or is Intel i7 ok. Originally posted by Ruedscher on ROS Answers with karma: 1 on 2022-09-07 Post score: 0 Original comments Comment by gvdhoorn on 2022-09-07:...
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The CPU skyrockets when i launch a node

Hello wise people of the Ros Answers realm, I have a node that performs a random walk.In order to get the information i need(pose,laser readings etc) and keep my code somewhat clean, i created 2 ...
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Using an Additional CPU

Hi, I am currently trying to see my options to separate some ROS nodes between my PC and an additional CPU to improve the performance. Before I attempt anything, I wanted to be sure that I know all ...
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SPARC arch: rosout node loads CPU on 100%

We experienced strange behaviour on our embedded SPARC-like system. Just after start, the rosout process loads CPU on 100%. We would be very appreciated if you guys ...
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Running a node on multiple CPU cores

Hi I am trying to publish a camera stream using the "uvc_camera" ( package. All works well, but I get a low framerate on high resolution. This seems to be due ...
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move_base cpu load

while navigating, move_base goes up to 110% cpu. I'm running turtlebot on the Nvidia Tegra TK1. Other than reducing the map resolution what are some of the other ways to reduce cpu usage on this board ...
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Nodes are takin 100% cpu on any computer

Hi, I am using couple callback queues in my nodes with asyncSpinner. It does not matter on which computer I'm placing it (Odroid XU4, NUC) it does consume 100% CPU. Can anyone point o what I'm missing ...
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Graphically monitor CPU - RAM etc over ROS

Hi, I am using an ODROID-XU4 on a quadrotor. On the ODROID is running ROS. To the Odroid is also connected to a camera flea3 by PointGrey. I am launching the pointgrey node to connect to the camera ...
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Bad Python code for custom message node - eating up cpu?

Wrote a custom message and am attempting to publish (via bagfile playback) for use in another node . The python roll/pitch/yaw is based upon this previous answer(link text), although poorly executed ...
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GMapping Performance differentiates between git package and sudo apt-get package

Hi together, Edit See answer from myself. Prolbem: We are running Gmapping on our robot to map the environment but facing some really strange performance problems. (Dont be scared, I know it is an ...
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Multithreaded RViz?

When running Movit on my desktop, RViz cannot show smoothly arm trajectories. Well, it looks cool at the beginning, but after 2 or 3 extra plannings/executions, CPU load reaches 100% and arm ...
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Gmapping inconsistent between identical runs

Hello, I've been trying to get a decent map of an office building using gmapping on my Turtlebot 2(Kinect), ROS Hydro, Ubuntu 12.04 After posting this a few weeks ago, I had come to the conclusion ...
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hector_mapping reducing cpu consumption?

Hi I'm using hector_mapping on pandaboard es with arch linux+hydro installed. I have hokuyo urg 04lx. However when i start mapping with default settings. rosrun urg_node urg_node roslaunch ...
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Hardware Requirements for Camera and sensor

Hello, I'm trying to figure out how much computing power do I need for my robot. I plan to put 2 cameras that will use OpenCV for detection of colors, shapes, etc.. and a laser distance sensor (not a ...
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Extreme CPU usage when ploting using rxplot and rxbag tools

Hello all. For some reason when I plot data using rxgraph or rxbag tools, the CPU usage explodes. For example : I trying to plot some fields of a topic that consist of 20 numerical fields and ...
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How to see nodes CPU usage in ROS?

Hello all. I built an autonomous car simulation in Gazebo. But for some reason my simulation runs with a very low time rate (around 0.1 off the real time) . My program includes a number of different ...
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hectorslam + navigation stack : obstacle inflation problem

Hi, I'm trying to use hectorslam in conjuction with the navigation stack for automatic map exploration. My robot has odometry and laser sensors. Hectorslam works well (with joystick teleop by exemple) ...
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camera_1394 nodelet speed issues on Gumstix

Hello all, The battle of getting images processed on a Gumstix continues (see This Question for getting OpenCV running efficiently on Gumstix). As I've gotten in to monitoring more closely what is ...
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Is my computer powerful enough?

Hello community, My team is constructing an underwater glider that is going to be controlled by a PC104 computer. It is going to have to control/read from servos, pressure sensors, orientation sensors,...
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System hardware information

Is there any package that provides information of the computer hardware? I need to create some modules to check the available memory, cpu usage, disk health, etc.. from a C++ application. I was ...
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wiimote cpu load

Hi all! I am experiencing a weird behavior in wiimote_node. When I launch it and subscribe to the /joy topic, the CPU load of the node goes up to 140%! I run the node in an Intel Core2 Duo, where each ...
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decimation of image streams?

I have been doing some experimentation with image processing, but I am finding that I am constrained by the available CPU resources. Is there some method for dropping images from a stream to lower ...
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Recommended system for complex ROS programs + simulations

I am looking to build a new computer to run ROS, rviz, and gazebo simulations. I've previously been working on an underpowered Ubuntu VM. What specs (RAM, CPU, GPU...) would you recommend for complex ...
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