did anyone try the arm_navigation Tutorials to get an inverse kinematic for the KUKA youbot including the collision avoidance?
The provided inverse kinematics control in rviz doesn't work as i expected.
Here is what i did:
I created the urdf file using xacro:
rosrun xacro xacro.py `rospack find youbot_description`/robots/youbot_arm.urdf.xacro
-o `rospack find youbot_navigation`/urdf/my_youbot.urdf
youbot_navigation is a package i created for storing files containing the youbot. I also altered the name from youbot to my_youbot inside the created urdf file, because the wizard uses the name later to create a package called robotname_arm_navigation and this already exists in my ROS environment.
Next i checked the file:
rosrun urdf check_urdf `rospack find youbout_navigation`/urdf/my_youbot.urdf
and got the following output:
robot name is: my_youbot
---------- Successfully Parsed XML ---------------
root Link: base_link has 1 child(ren)
child(1): arm_link_0
child(1): arm_link_1
child(1): arm_link_2
child(1): arm_link_3
child(1): arm_link_4
child(1): arm_link_5
child(1): gripper_palm_link
child(1): gripper_finger_link_l
child(2): gripper_finger_link_r
Then i started the Wizard:
roslaunch planning_environment planning_description_configuration_wizard.launch urdf_package:=youbot_navigation urdf_path:=urdf/my_youbot.urdf
I tested various settings, using the easy or the advanced mode, dense or sparse sampling modes. For the kinematic chain i added the group:
Base Link: arm_link_0
Tip Link: arm_link_5
Afterwards i choosed a directory and the wizard created the package. At least i launch the vizualiser via:
roslaunch my_youbot_arm_navigation planning_components_visualizer.launch
When i now click interact and try to use the ik_control only very few movements can be solved. I can only use translation of or rotation around the x-axis of arm_link_5 in a small range. All other positions i navigate the tip link to can not be solved, though i think they should be possible.
Using the manual joint control many many more positions can be solved. Is it because i'm not precise enough moving the tip link in a possible position? Did i do anything else wrong?
Originally posted by boFFeL on ROS Answers with karma: 31 on 2012-11-16
Post score: 1