I try to use move_base to drive my robot. I have the setup working quite fine, most of the time, using gmapping for map->odom tf, and the global planner working in the map frame. The local planner is working in the odom frame completely.
My issue is, that sometimes move_base just won't drive for no apparent reason.
I get this warning quite often:
Could not get robot pose, cancelling reconfiguration
Usually this does not seem to matter much. But I have no real idea, where that comes from. Is there anyway to investigate that further?
Then, before the robot stops moving I sometimes got this error (but not always):
Aborting because a valid control could not be found. Even after executing all recovery behaviors
At this point, the global planner, still publishes paths on move_base/NavfnROS/plan, but there is nothing published on move_base/TrajectoryPlannerROS/local_plan.
So it seems that the local planner gave up. I watched the local obstacles in rviz and this also happens if there are no local obstacles at all. How can I find out for what reason the local planner gave up?
The robot actually starts moving again, as soon as it gets a new goal, either from exploration or manually from rviz. Then it will drive just fine, until it again, just stops moving for no obvious reason.
Originally posted by Achim on ROS Answers with karma: 390 on 2012-09-22
Post score: 2