Hey there
A few weeks ago i finally brought the navigation on my Kobuki with an IMU (Beaglebone Blue), RPLidar and UP Squared as processing Unit up running. The localization came from google Cartographer. The drive commands came from move_base. Back then the local costmap as well as the global costmap contained the obstacles. This week i tried to tune the local and global planner for a smoother driving experience. Since i wanted to test it before tuning the local costmap stays empty. The navigation still works, but due to the lack of the local costmap the robot drives just straight to its goal. I think the problem is, that the move_base node does not subscribe to the scan topic. But i do not figure out how to force him to do so. I also tried to launch some backups, but the behaviour is the same.
my TF_tree is:
- map (map-odom = global SLAM)
- odom (odom-base_footprint = local SLAM)
- base_footprint (base_footprint - base_link = (0, 0, 0, 1) quaterninon with own tf broadcaster)
- base_link (base_link - scan/imu_link = direction on robot with urdf)
- scan / imu_link
The Cartographer is still working well and provides the Transformation as far as i can see. The topic /scan and /imu are both published and seem right. A picture from the Navigation with the empty costamp is added here: navigation with empty costmap .
Does anyone has some ideas, which might bring my robot to update the local_costmap? The important files are added below and the others are in: https://github.com/goeldisandro/autonomous_turtlebot_navigation.
thanks a lot for your help!
greetings from Switzerland
- the first failure is:
[ WARN] [1562752396.232648210]: Control loop missed its desired rate
of 20.0000Hz... the loop actually took 0.1233 seconds
am i right, that this is just a performance issue?
- there is also an Error that i do not really know, what does it mean
[ERROR] [1562757979.010348657]: Kobuki : malformed sub-payload
detected. [28][170][1C AA 55 4D 01 0F A4 18 00 00 ]
the Error also showed up before, which makes me think it is not important. I also found no way to fix it (already tried updating Kobuki).
this is the Output when i launch
> bumper2pointcloud (nodelet/nodelet)
> cartographer_node (cartographer_ros/cartographer_node)
> cartographer_occupancy_grid_node (cartographer_ros/cartographer_occupancy_grid_node)
> cmd_vel_mux (nodelet/nodelet)
> diagnostic_aggregator (diagnostic_aggregator/aggregator_node)
> mobile_base (nodelet/nodelet)
> mobile_base_nodelet_manager (nodelet/nodelet)
> move_base (move_base/move_base)
> robot_state_publisher (robot_state_publisher/robot_state_publisher)
> rplidarNode (rplidar_ros/rplidarNode)
> rviz (rviz/rviz)
> tf_broadcaster_base (robot_setup_tf/tf_broadcaster_base)
> ROS_MASTER_URI=http://localhost:11311
> process[rplidarNode-1]: started with
> pid [18294] [ INFO]
> [1562752257.374873089]: RPLIDAR
> running on ROS package rplidar_ros.
> SDK Version:1.9.0 process[rviz-2]:
> started with pid [18317]
> process[tf_broadcaster_base-3]:
> started with pid [18318]
> process[robot_state_publisher-4]:
> started with pid [18319]
> process[diagnostic_aggregator-5]:
> started with pid [18328]
> process[mobile_base_nodelet_manager-6]:
> started with pid [18337]
> process[mobile_base-7]: started with
> pid [18349]
> process[bumper2pointcloud-8]: started
> with pid [18359]
> process[cmd_vel_mux-9]: started with
> pid [18371]
> process[cartographer_node-10]: started
> with pid [18380]
> process[cartographer_occupancy_grid_node-11]:
> started with pid [18392]
> process[move_base-12]: started with
> pid [18400] RPLIDAR S/N:
> 9A719DF1C3E39AC4C3E698F96AA6340D [
> INFO] [1562752257.881906950]: Firmware
> Ver: 1.22 [ INFO]
> [1562752257.881974240]: Hardware Rev:
> 4 [ INFO] [1562752257.883779796]:
> RPLidar health status : 0 [ INFO]
> [1562752257.985728070]: I0710
> 11:50:57.000000 18380
> configuration_file_resolver.cc:41]
> Found
> '/home/ba_slam/cartographer_ws/src/cartographer_ros/cartographer_ros/configuration_files/00_Kobuki_rp.lua'
> for '00_Kobuki_rp.lua'. [ INFO]
> [1562752257.987426247]: I0710
> 11:50:57.000000 18380
> configuration_file_resolver.cc:41]
> Found
> '/home/ba_slam/cartographer_ws/devel/share/cartographer/configuration_files/map_builder.lua'
> for 'map_builder.lua'. [ INFO]
> [1562752257.987598917]: I0710
> 11:50:57.000000 18380
> configuration_file_resolver.cc:41]
> Found
> '/home/ba_slam/cartographer_ws/devel/share/cartographer/configuration_files/map_builder.lua'
> for 'map_builder.lua'. [ INFO]
> [1562752257.987808587]: I0710
> 11:50:57.000000 18380
> configuration_file_resolver.cc:41]
> Found
> '/home/ba_slam/cartographer_ws/devel/share/cartographer/configuration_files/pose_graph.lua'
> for 'pose_graph.lua'. [ INFO]
> [1562752257.987901850]: I0710
> 11:50:57.000000 18380
> configuration_file_resolver.cc:41]
> Found
> '/home/ba_slam/cartographer_ws/devel/share/cartographer/configuration_files/pose_graph.lua'
> for 'pose_graph.lua'. [ INFO]
> [1562752257.988332994]: I0710
> 11:50:57.000000 18380
> configuration_file_resolver.cc:41]
> Found
> '/home/ba_slam/cartographer_ws/devel/share/cartographer/configuration_files/trajectory_builder.lua'
> for 'trajectory_builder.lua'. [ INFO]
> [1562752257.988450937]: I0710
> 11:50:57.000000 18380
> configuration_file_resolver.cc:41]
> Found
> '/home/ba_slam/cartographer_ws/devel/share/cartographer/configuration_files/trajectory_builder.lua'
> for 'trajectory_builder.lua'. [ INFO]
> [1562752257.988581582]: I0710
> 11:50:57.000000 18380
> configuration_file_resolver.cc:41]
> Found
> '/home/ba_slam/cartographer_ws/devel/share/cartographer/configuration_files/trajectory_builder_2d.lua'
> for 'trajectory_builder_2d.lua'. [
> INFO] [1562752257.988645624]: I0710
> 11:50:57.000000 18380
> configuration_file_resolver.cc:41]
> Found
> '/home/ba_slam/cartographer_ws/devel/share/cartographer/configuration_files/trajectory_builder_2d.lua'
> for 'trajectory_builder_2d.lua'. [
> INFO] [1562752257.988852747]: I0710
> 11:50:57.000000 18380
> configuration_file_resolver.cc:41]
> Found
> '/home/ba_slam/cartographer_ws/devel/share/cartographer/configuration_files/trajectory_builder_3d.lua'
> for 'trajectory_builder_3d.lua'. [
> INFO] [1562752257.988921703]: I0710
> 11:50:57.000000 18380
> configuration_file_resolver.cc:41]
> Found
> '/home/ba_slam/cartographer_ws/devel/share/cartographer/configuration_files/trajectory_builder_3d.lua'
> for 'trajectory_builder_3d.lua'. [
> INFO] [1562752258.114430775]: I0710
> 11:50:58.000000 18380
> submap_2d.cc:187] Added submap 1 [
> INFO] [1562752258.115023651]: I0710
> 11:50:58.000000 18380
> map_builder_bridge.cc:130] Added
> trajectory with ID '0'.
> *WARN* YOU ARE USING DEPRECATED API: checkExpressScanSupported(bool&,_u32),
> getAllSupportedScanModes()
> RplidarScanMode::us_per_sample [ INFO]
> [1562752258.444524413]: current scan
> mode: Express, max_distance: 16.0 m,
> Point number: 4.0K , angle_compensate:
> 1 [ INFO] [1562752259.450757348]:
> I0710 11:50:59.000000 18380
> ordered_multi_queue.cc:172] All sensor
> data for trajectory 0 is available
> starting at '636983490592470290'. [
> INFO] [1562752259.459931002]: I0710
> 11:50:59.000000 18380
> local_trajectory_builder_2d.cc:295]
> Extrapolator not yet initialized. [
> INFO] [1562752259.460716740]: I0710
> 11:50:59.000000 18380
> local_trajectory_builder_2d.cc:138]
> Extrapolator is still initializing. [
> INFO] [1562752259.779842259]: Using
> plugin "inflation_layer" [ INFO]
> [1562752259.839573107]: Using plugin
> "obstacle_layer" [ INFO]
> [1562752259.850007963]: Subscribed
> to Topics: [ INFO]
> [1562752259.904408469]: Using plugin
> "static" [ INFO]
> [1562752259.923724893]: Requesting the
> map... [ INFO] [1562752260.534940461]:
> I0710 11:51:00.000000 18564
> constraint_builder_2d.cc:281] 0
> computations resulted in 0 additional
> constraints. [ INFO]
> [1562752260.535028402]: I0710
> 11:51:00.000000 18564
> constraint_builder_2d.cc:283] Score
> histogram: Count: 0 [ INFO]
> [1562752260.950443339]: Resizing
> costmap to 253 X 298 at 0.050000 m/pix
> [ INFO] [1562752261.049889954]:
> Received a 253 X 298 map at 0.050000
> m/pix [ INFO] [1562752261.275003153]:
> Using plugin "inflation_layer" [ INFO]
> [1562752261.327043181]: Using plugin
> "obstacle_layer" [ INFO]
> [1562752261.337899506]: Subscribed
> to Topics: [ INFO]
> [1562752261.576562595]: Created
> local_planner
> base_local_planner/TrajectoryPlannerROS
> [ INFO] [1562752261.637342018]: Sim
> period is set to 0.05 [ INFO]
> [1562752262.090252309]: I0710
> 11:51:02.000000 18565
> constraint_builder_2d.cc:281] 0
> computations resulted in 0 additional
> constraints. [ INFO]
> [1562752262.090433582]: I0710
> 11:51:02.000000 18565
> constraint_builder_2d.cc:283] Score
> histogram: Count: 0 [ INFO]
> [1562752263.603204008]: I0710
> 11:51:03.000000 18567
> constraint_builder_2d.cc:281] 0
> computations resulted in 0 additional
> constraints. [ INFO]
> [1562752263.603293735]: I0710
> 11:51:03.000000 18567
> constraint_builder_2d.cc:283] Score
> histogram: Count: 0 [ INFO]
> [1562752265.119344471]: I0710
> 11:51:05.000000 18566
> constraint_builder_2d.cc:281] 0
> computations resulted in 0 additional
> constraints. [ INFO]
> [1562752265.119722578]: I0710
> 11:51:05.000000 18566
> constraint_builder_2d.cc:283] Score
> histogram: Count: 0 [ INFO]
> [1562752266.547201919]: Recovery
> behavior will clear layer obstacles [
> INFO] [1562752266.572262375]: Recovery
> behavior will clear layer obstacles [
> INFO] [1562752266.594959262]: I0710
> 11:51:06.000000 18564
> constraint_builder_2d.cc:281] 0
> computations resulted in 0 additional
> constraints. [ INFO]
> [1562752266.595056956]: I0710
> 11:51:06.000000 18564
> constraint_builder_2d.cc:283] Score
> histogram: Count: 0 [ INFO]
> [1562752266.738288652]: odom received!
> [ INFO] [1562752266.738613186]:
> Resizing costmap to 258 X 300 at
> 0.050000 m/pix [ WARN] [1562752267.638960736]: Control loop
> missed its desired rate of
> 20.0000Hz... the loop actually took 0.1520 seconds [ WARN] [1562752267.823463989]: Control loop
> missed its desired rate of
> 20.0000Hz... the loop actually took 0.1845 seconds ... [ WARN] [1562752272.640044091]: Control loop
> missed its desired rate of
> 20.0000Hz... the loop actually took 0.1776 seconds [ WARN] [1562752272.715136084]: Control loop
> missed its desired rate of
> 20.0000Hz... the loop actually took 0.0751 seconds ^C[move_base-12] killing on exit
> [cartographer_occupancy_grid_node-11]
> killing on exit [cartographer_node-10]
> killing on exit [cmd_vel_mux-9]
> killing on exit [mobile_base-7]
> killing on exit [bumper2pointcloud-8]
> killing on exit
> [robot_state_publisher-4] killing on
> exit [diagnostic_aggregator-5] killing
> on exit [tf_broadcaster_base-3]
> killing on exit
> [mobile_base_nodelet_manager-6]
> killing on exit [rviz-2] killing on
> exit [rplidarNode-1] killing on exit
> Optimizing: Done. Optimizing:
> Done. shutting down processing
> monitor... ... shutting down
> processing monitor complete
the info from the scan topic is:
ba_slam@ba-slam-UP:~/cartographer_ws$ rostopic info scan
Type: sensor_msgs/LaserScan
* /rplidarNode (http://ba-slam-UP:45345/)
* /cartographer_node (http://ba-slam-UP:43369/)
* /rviz (http://ba-slam-UP:36927/)
and the info from the move_base node is:
ba_slam@ba-slam-UP:~/cartographer_ws$ rosnode info move_base
Node [/move_base]
* /cmd_vel_mux/input/teleop [geometry_msgs/Twist]
* /move_base/NavfnROS/plan [nav_msgs/Path]
* /move_base/TrajectoryPlannerROS/cost_cloud [sensor_msgs/PointCloud2]
* /move_base/TrajectoryPlannerROS/global_plan [nav_msgs/Path]
* /move_base/TrajectoryPlannerROS/local_plan [nav_msgs/Path]
* /move_base/TrajectoryPlannerROS/parameter_descriptions [dynamic_reconfigure/ConfigDescription]
* /move_base/TrajectoryPlannerROS/parameter_updates [dynamic_reconfigure/Config]
* /move_base/current_goal [geometry_msgs/PoseStamped]
* /move_base/feedback [move_base_msgs/MoveBaseActionFeedback]
* /move_base/global_costmap/costmap [nav_msgs/OccupancyGrid]
* /move_base/global_costmap/costmap_updates [map_msgs/OccupancyGridUpdate]
* /move_base/global_costmap/footprint [geometry_msgs/PolygonStamped]
* /move_base/global_costmap/inflation_layer/parameter_descriptions [dynamic_reconfigure/ConfigDescription]
* /move_base/global_costmap/inflation_layer/parameter_updates [dynamic_reconfigure/Config]
* /move_base/global_costmap/obstacle_layer/parameter_descriptions [dynamic_reconfigure/ConfigDescription]
* /move_base/global_costmap/obstacle_layer/parameter_updates [dynamic_reconfigure/Config]
* /move_base/global_costmap/parameter_descriptions [dynamic_reconfigure/ConfigDescription]
* /move_base/global_costmap/parameter_updates [dynamic_reconfigure/Config]
* /move_base/global_costmap/static/parameter_descriptions [dynamic_reconfigure/ConfigDescription]
* /move_base/global_costmap/static/parameter_updates [dynamic_reconfigure/Config]
* /move_base/goal [move_base_msgs/MoveBaseActionGoal]
* /move_base/local_costmap/costmap [nav_msgs/OccupancyGrid]
* /move_base/local_costmap/costmap_updates [map_msgs/OccupancyGridUpdate]
* /move_base/local_costmap/footprint [geometry_msgs/PolygonStamped]
* /move_base/local_costmap/inflation_layer/parameter_descriptions [dynamic_reconfigure/ConfigDescription]
* /move_base/local_costmap/inflation_layer/parameter_updates [dynamic_reconfigure/Config]
* /move_base/local_costmap/obstacle_layer/parameter_descriptions [dynamic_reconfigure/ConfigDescription]
* /move_base/local_costmap/obstacle_layer/parameter_updates [dynamic_reconfigure/Config]
* /move_base/local_costmap/parameter_descriptions [dynamic_reconfigure/ConfigDescription]
* /move_base/local_costmap/parameter_updates [dynamic_reconfigure/Config]
* /move_base/parameter_descriptions [dynamic_reconfigure/ConfigDescription]
* /move_base/parameter_updates [dynamic_reconfigure/Config]
* /move_base/result [move_base_msgs/MoveBaseActionResult]
* /move_base/status [actionlib_msgs/GoalStatusArray]
* /rosout [rosgraph_msgs/Log]
* /map [nav_msgs/OccupancyGrid]
* /move_base/cancel [unknown type]
* /move_base/global_costmap/footprint [geometry_msgs/PolygonStamped]
* /move_base/goal [move_base_msgs/MoveBaseActionGoal]
* /move_base/local_costmap/footprint [geometry_msgs/PolygonStamped]
* /move_base_simple/goal [geometry_msgs/PoseStamped]
* /odom [nav_msgs/Odometry]
* /tf [tf2_msgs/TFMessage]
* /tf_static [tf2_msgs/TFMessage]
* /move_base/NavfnROS/make_plan
* /move_base/TrajectoryPlannerROS/set_parameters
* /move_base/clear_costmaps
* /move_base/get_loggers
* /move_base/global_costmap/inflation_layer/set_parameters
* /move_base/global_costmap/obstacle_layer/set_parameters
* /move_base/global_costmap/set_parameters
* /move_base/global_costmap/static/set_parameters
* /move_base/local_costmap/inflation_layer/set_parameters
* /move_base/local_costmap/obstacle_layer/set_parameters
* /move_base/local_costmap/set_parameters
* /move_base/make_plan
* /move_base/set_logger_level
* /move_base/set_parameters
contacting node http://ba-slam-UP:41509/ ...
Pid: 22239
* topic: /rosout
* to: /rosout
* direction: outbound
* transport: TCPROS
* topic: /cmd_vel_mux/input/teleop
* to: /mobile_base_nodelet_manager
* direction: outbound
* transport: TCPROS
* topic: /move_base/current_goal
* to: /rviz
* direction: outbound
* transport: TCPROS
* topic: /move_base/goal
* to: /move_base
* direction: outbound
* transport: INTRAPROCESS
* topic: /move_base/global_costmap/costmap
* to: /rviz
* direction: outbound
* transport: TCPROS
* topic: /move_base/global_costmap/costmap_updates
* to: /rviz
* direction: outbound
* transport: TCPROS
* topic: /move_base/global_costmap/costmap_updates
* to: /rviz
* direction: outbound
* transport: TCPROS
* topic: /move_base/local_costmap/footprint
* to: /rviz
* direction: outbound
* transport: TCPROS
* topic: /move_base/local_costmap/costmap
* to: /rviz
* direction: outbound
* transport: TCPROS
* topic: /move_base/local_costmap/costmap_updates
* to: /rviz
* direction: outbound
* transport: TCPROS
* topic: /move_base/TrajectoryPlannerROS/global_plan
* to: /rviz
* direction: outbound
* transport: TCPROS
* topic: /move_base/TrajectoryPlannerROS/local_plan
* to: /rviz
* direction: outbound
* transport: TCPROS
* topic: /tf
* to: /robot_state_publisher (http://ba-slam-UP:36387/)
* direction: inbound
* transport: TCPROS
* topic: /tf
* to: /tf_broadcaster_base (http://ba-slam-UP:33787/)
* direction: inbound
* transport: TCPROS
* topic: /tf
* to: /cartographer_node (http://ba-slam-UP:43369/)
* direction: inbound
* transport: TCPROS
* topic: /tf
* to: /mobile_base_nodelet_manager (http://ba-slam-UP:34767/)
* direction: inbound
* transport: TCPROS
* topic: /tf_static
* to: /robot_state_publisher (http://ba-slam-UP:36387/)
* direction: inbound
* transport: TCPROS
* topic: /move_base_simple/goal
* to: /rviz (http://ba-slam-UP:36927/)
* direction: inbound
* transport: TCPROS
* topic: /map
* to: /cartographer_occupancy_grid_node (http://ba-slam-UP:44597/)
* direction: inbound
* transport: TCPROS
* topic: /odom
* to: /mobile_base_nodelet_manager (http://ba-slam-UP:34767/)
* direction: inbound
* transport: TCPROS
* topic: /move_base/goal
* to: /move_base (http://ba-slam-UP:41509/)
* direction: inbound
* transport: INTRAPROCESS
my launch file is:
<param name="/use_sim_time" value="false"/>
<!-- RPlidar starten #################################################################### -->
<node name="rplidarNode" pkg="rplidar_ros" type="rplidarNode" output="screen">
<param name="serial_port" type="string" value="/dev/ttyUSB1"/>
<param name="serial_baudrate" type="int" value="115200"/>
<param name="frame_id" type="string" value="laser"/>
<param name="inverted" type="bool" value="false"/>
<param name="angle_compensate" type="bool" value="true"/>
<!-- RVIZ starten #################################################################### -->
<node name="rviz" pkg="rviz" type="rviz" args="-d $(find rplidar_ros)/rviz/rplidar.rviz" />
<!-- eigene tf_broadcaster/listener einbinden############################################## -->
<node name="tf_broadcaster_base" pkg="robot_setup_tf" type="tf_broadcaster_base" />
<!-- Turtlebot bringup ################################################################## -->
<include file = "$(find turtlebot_bringup)/launch/minimal.launch"/>
<!---Cartographer ###################### -->
<param name="robot_description"
textfile="$(find cartographer_ros)/urdf/00_Kobuki_rp.urdf" />
<node name="cartographer_node" pkg="cartographer_ros"
type="cartographer_node" args="
-configuration_directory $(find cartographer_ros)/configuration_files
-configuration_basename 00_Kobuki_rp.lua"
<node name="cartographer_occupancy_grid_node" pkg="cartographer_ros"
type="cartographer_occupancy_grid_node" args="-resolution 0.05" />
<!-- move base node ##########################################################################
local_costmap params macht keine Probleme mehr -> Kommentare aus .yaml file geloescht-->
<!----> <param name="base_local_planner" value="dwa_local_planner/DWAPlannerROS"/>
<param name="base_global_planner" value="carrot_planner/CarrotPlanner"/>
<param name="robot_description"
textfile="$(find cartographer_ros)/urdf/00_Kobuki_rp.urdf" />
<node pkg="move_base" type="move_base" respawn="false" name="move_base" output="screen">
<rosparam file="$(find kobuki_nav)/global_costmap_params.yaml" command="load" />
<rosparam file = "$(find kobuki_nav)/local_costmap_params.yaml" command="load" />
<rosparam file = "$(find kobuki_nav)/costmap_common_params.yaml" command="load" />
<rosparam file="$(find kobuki_nav)/dwa_local_planner_params.yaml" command="load" />
<rosparam file="$(find kobuki_nav)/base_local_planner_params.yaml" command="load" />
my URDF is:
<robot name="ba_roboter">
<material name="orange">
<color rgba="1.0 0.5 0.2 1" />
<link name="map">
<origin xyz="0.0 0.0 0.0" />
<box size="0.5 0.5 0.5" />
<material name="blue" />
<link name="laser">
<origin xyz="0.0 0.0 0.0" />
<box size="0.1 0.1 0.1" />
<material name="orange" />
<link name="imu_link">
<origin xyz="0.0 0.0 0.0" />
<box size="0.1 0.1 0.1" />
<material name="orange" />
<link name="odom">
<origin xyz="0.0 0.0 0.0" />
<box size="0.5 0.5 0.5" />
<material name="blue" />
<link name="base_link">
<origin xyz="0.0 0.0 0.0" />
<box size="1 1 1" />
<material name="red" />
<joint name="odom_joint" type="floating">
<parent link="map" />
<child link="odom" />
<origin xyz="0 0 0" />
<joint name="base_joint" type="floating">
<parent link="odom" />
<child link="base_link" />
<origin rpy="0 0 0" xyz="0 0 0.1" />
<joint name="rp_joint" type="fixed">
<parent link="base_link" />
<child link="laser" />
<origin rpy="0 0 -0.872655" xyz="0 0 0.2" />
<joint name="imu_joint" type="fixed">
<parent link="base_link" />
<child link="imu_link" />
<origin rpy="0 0 -1.57" xyz="0 0 0" />
my costmap_common_parameters\
# aus früheren .yaml files
obstacle_range: 10
raytrace_range: 10
map_type: costmap
global_frame: map
robot_base_frame: base_link
footprint: [[0.36,0.0], [0.28, 0.24],[0, 0.36], [-0.47, 0.15], [-0.47,-0.15], [0.0,-0.36], [0.28,-0.24]]
robot_radius: 0.25 #Radius des Roboters (Kobuki = 0.18 m)
inflation_radius: 0.1 #Abstand den der Roboter zu Hindernisse einhalten soll
meter_scoring: true
map_topic: /map
subscribe_to_updates: true
static_map: true
enabled: true
observation_sources: laser_scan_sensor
laser_scan_sensor: {sensor_frame: laser, data_type: LaserScan, topic: scan, marking: true, clearing: true, expected_update_rate: 0.5}
# obstacle_range: 6.0, raytrace_range: 8.5, max_obstacle_height: 5.0, min_obstacle_height: 0.0}
inflation_radius: 1.0
cost_scaling_factor: 1.0
my local_costmap_parameters\
global_frame: /odom #/odom
robot_base_frame: /base_link
update_frequency: 0.2
publish_frequency: 0.2
static_map: false
rolling_window: true
width: 6.0
height: 6.0
resolution: 0.05
#padding is 0.1 by default, which makes it difficult to pass through narrow places
#footprint_padding: 0.0
#lethal_cost_treshold: 10
- {name: inflation_layer, type: "costmap_2d::InflationLayer"}
- {name: obstacle_layer, type: "costmap_2d::ObstacleLayer"}
transform_tolerance: 1.0
my global_costmap_parameters\
#publish_voxel_map: true #aus Vorlage kopiert
global_frame: /map #definiert wo global costmap laufen soll
robot_base_frame: /base_link #wohinn der costmap referenzieren soll
update_frequency: 0.2
publish_frequency: 0.2
static_map: true #ob sich der global costmap auf die vom map Server zur verfügung gestellte Map initailisieren soll
# rolling_window: false #following robot while navigation
# width: 40.0
# height: 40.0
resolution: 1.0
always_send_full_costmap: true
lethal_cost_treshold: 0
obstacle_range: 5
max_obstacle_height: 3.0 #leicht höher als Roboter
raytracing_range: 3.0 #default
cost_scaling_factor: 10.0 #default
- {name: inflation_layer, type: "costmap_2d::InflationLayer"}
- {name: obstacle_layer, type: "costmap_2d::ObstacleLayer"}
- {name: static, type: "costmap_2d::StaticLayer"}
transform_tolerance: 1.0`enter code here`
Originally posted by goeldisandro on ROS Answers with karma: 21 on 2019-07-10
Post score: 0