I have a python program that has a GUI.
I want when a user clicks on a button to execute a ROS package. Also, I have another button, when the user clicks, I want to close the running package.
I do not know how to do that.
I know how to open the program:
# calibration command
calib_command_str = "rosrun camera_calibration cameracalibrator.py --size {}x{} {} {} --square {} right:={} left:={} left_camera:={} right_camera:={}".format(interior_corner_hor_axis, interior_corner_ver_axis, camera_service_check_value, approx_str, square_len, right_camera_image_topic, left_camera_image_topic, left_camera_image_super_topic, right_camera_image_super_topic)
However, I do not how to close it.
Originally posted by farhad-bat on ROS Answers with karma: 13 on 2022-07-24
Post score: 1