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ROS2 Xacro/URDF file isn't displaying, Error: No transform from [] to []

I've created a URDF file using a few Xacro files, and for some reason as soon as I added in the caster wheel it started having problems. The chassis and caster both show up, but the caster just spawns ...
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Using xacro for robot description does not work

Hi, I defined a model using the urdf and everything works fine. However, when I replace one of the links with a macro, the link is not built to form the tree. the xacro file: links_joints.xacro` ...
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Create a urdf/xacro file from model of FreeCAD

Hello everyone. I have created the following model in FreeCAD of a robot with differencial cinematic system (back wheels do the traction): I would like to create the urdf/xacro files to see it ...
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