I am trying to install ROS 2 on my Mac with this tutorial: https://docs.ros.org/en/foxy/Installation/macOS-Install-Binary.html
MacOS: Big Sur 11.5.2 ROS2 Foxy Patch Release 4
When I execute:
ros2 run demo_nodes_cpp talker
I get this RCL error:
libc++abi: terminating with uncaught exception of type rclcpp::exceptions::RCLError: failed to initialize rcl init options: failed to load shared library of rmw implementation: /Users/nayanpradhan/ros2_foxy/ros2-osx/lib/librmw_fastrtps_cpp.dylib Exception: LoadLibrary error: dlopen(/Users/nayanpradhan/ros2_foxy/ros2-osx/lib/librmw_fastrtps_cpp.dylib, 1): Library not loaded: /usr/local/opt/tinyxml2/lib/libtinyxml2.8.dylib
Referenced from: /Users/nayanpradhan/ros2_foxy/ros2-osx/lib/librmw_fastrtps_cpp.dylib Reason: image not found, at /Users/osrf/jenkins-agent/workspace/ci_packaging_osx/ws/src/ros2/rcutils/src/shared_library.c:84, at /Users/osrf/jenkins-agent/workspace/ci_packaging_osx/ws/src/ros2/rmw_implementation/rmw_implementation/src/functions.cpp:64, at /Users/osrf/jenkins-agent/workspace/ci_packaging_osx/ws/src/ros2/rcl/rcl/src/rcl/init_options.c:61
In general, sourcing also gives the warning:
[connext_cmake_module] Warning: The location at which Connext was found when the workspace was built [[/Applications/rti_connext_dds-5.3.1]] does not point to a valid directory, and the NDDSHOME environment variable has not been set. Support for Connext will not be available.
How can I fix these errors/warning???
Originally posted by nayan on ROS Answers with karma: 26 on 2021-08-21
Post score: 1
Original comments
Comment by victra on 2021-10-05:
Hey Nayan, did you manage to solve this problem? I have the same problem myself
Comment by Sensenzhl on 2021-12-10:
I meet this problem too. Is there any available solution right now?
Comment by wgrand on 2021-12-23:
@Sensenzhl, were you able to get ROS2 working on macOS?
Comment by Sensenzhl on 2022-01-01:
I have installed ROS2 working, but still leave this problem unsolved
Comment by wgrand on 2022-01-04:
My conclusion is to run Ubuntu on a USB stick and call it a day. At the time of this writing, ROS supports macOS Mojave, which was released in 2018. Now it is 2022. So, it is not worth forcing ROS to run on macOS.
Comment by Sensenzhl on 2022-01-04:
Thanks for your reply. I've tried the method you mentioned that downgrading tinyxml2 to 2.8. The version I use now is tinyxml2 version 2.9. But it seems that tinyxml2.8 is not compatible with macOS Big Sur, it can only be used on macOS Catalina. Is there any method to deal with this?
Comment by wgrand on 2022-01-05:
My conclusion is that it is too tedious on macOS to ensure that all packages are the proper versions. I suggest using Ubuntu instead.