Hi all,
These days I'm having a very strange problem with my application. Since last week it was all good, but this monday I noticed that I can't run more that 2/3 nodes (or ros cli tools) simultaneously. For example: I run 2 nodes, then I do ros2 node list
and the cmd doesn't give me any answer and keeps pending. Moreover I can't close it with ctrl+c, but I have to end the task from the task manager. The same goes for ros2 topic list
and echo
Another example is this: I run the first node, then ros2 topic echo ..
and I can see the data, then I run the second node and it gets stuck pending.
Just to add some informations, the 2 main nodes work properly togheter, but to develop my application I need to add another node, that with this "state" will never run.
Have you ever faced a similar error? Could it be something about my code?
EDIT: more info
Right now I still have the same problem, but maybe this time I found the cause. I'm writing a node that receive some image from Coppelia, and send it over with a topic. This morning and yesterday I was trying to fix it, because I wasn't able to see the image, but after some "runs" the nodes stopped working. And I still have the same problem as before (third node pending even with the tutorial code).
For the image I set some buffers:
simxUChar *eyeBuffers[2];
dim = resolution[0] * resolution[1] * sizeof(simxUChar);
eyeBuffers[0] = new simxUChar[dim];
eyeBuffers[1] = new simxUChar[dim];
and then set the sensor_msgs.Image msg:
int resolution[2] = { 320, 240 };
for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
simxGetVisionSensorImage(clientID, eyes[i], resolution, &eyeBuffers[i], 0, simx_opmode_buffer);
arr[i] = cv::Mat(resolution[1], resolution[0], CV_8UC3, eyeBuffers[i]);
flip(arr[i], arr_flip[i], 1);
.. and then cv::Bridge to fill the msg.
I don't have any build errors and I can correctly send and receive the images.
After a few days, I've done some more test and now I can run only 1 node, all the others keep hanging. I thought it was something related to dynamic memory allocation, but I delete[]
What I can't understand is why this leads to ROS2 malfunction. I have the impression that something is going to saturate inside ros, because the problem only came out after a few runs (around 20), and before it was all fine and I could run as many nodes as I wanted.
Originally posted by alberto on ROS Answers with karma: 100 on 2022-06-07
Post score: 0
Original comments
Comment by Joe28965 on 2022-06-07:
Something you could check to see if it's about your code. Try and run 5-6 default nodes. Basically run a couple of the tutorial code at the same time. If that causes the same problem it's not your code.
Comment by alberto on 2022-06-07:
Thank you @Joe29965 , I've tried running the simple talker and listener of the tutorial. Sadly I can reproduce the same exact errors :(
I have also reinstalled ROS2 and created a new ws (still keeping the old one). Sourcing and building with the new setup.bat
, but I still face the bug with the tutorial code.
Comment by Joe28965 on 2022-06-07:
Honestly, I do not know what it might be. I have only ever used Ubuntu to run ROS.
Comment by gvdhoorn on 2022-06-08:
Could you please stop bumping your message with trivial edits?
Comment by alberto on 2022-06-08:
Yes sorry, I wanted to find a more suitable title :P.
Anyways, using WinDgb and scanning the working and not working nodes, I found out some differences. In particular the node that hangs doesn't "load" these .dll:
ModLoad: .. C:\dev_new\ros2-windows\bin\rmw_dds_common__rosidl_typesupport_fastrtps_cpp.dll ModLoad: .. C:\dev_new\ros2-windows\bin\rcl_interfaces__rosidl_typesupport_fastrtps_c.dll
ModLoad: .. C:\dev_new\ros2-windows\bin\builtin_interfaces__rosidl_typesupport_fastrtps_c.dll
ModLoad: .. C:\dev_new\ros2-windows\bin\rcl_interfaces__rosidl_typesupport_fastrtps_cpp.dll
ModLoad: .. C:\dev_new\ros2-windows\bin\builtin_interfaces__rosidl_typesupport_fastrtps_cpp.dll
ModLoad: .. C:\dev_new\ros2-windows\bin\std_msgs__rosidl_typesupport_fastrtps_cpp.dll
But obviously the cmd doesn't return any errors. Can this cause my bug?
Comment by gvdhoorn on 2022-06-09:
No idea. We also don't yet know whether this is "a bug".
You mentioned you've "reinstalled ROS2": how exactly?
And did you also clean out your workspace and rebuild it completely after reinstalling ROS?
Comment by alberto on 2022-06-09:
I wanted to keep the old underlay and overlay, so to reinstall ros2 I did this: I went here, I downloaded again ros2-foxy-20220208-windows-release-amd64.zip and extracted it in a new folder (underlay). Then I created a new dev_ws (overlay), I put cpp_pubsub in the src and build it. But this didn't change my problem. So I tried to re-download the other components (but not removing the old ones). I re-download Python, VC++, OpenSLL and catkin_pkg, cryptography etc using the command suggested in the link (I didn't re-download choco). Obviously they were already installed, so I think I didn't change anything, in fact the cmd always said something like: "Already up to date".
Comment by alberto on 2022-06-09:
Adding some info. I have used ros2 run cpp_pubsub listener --ros-args --log-level debug
On not working node I only get these 3 lines:
-[DEBUG] [1654776889.921857300] [rclcpp]: signal handler installed
-[DEBUG] [1654776889.922523400] [rcl]: Initializing node 'minimal_subscriber' in namespace ''
-[DEBUG] [1654776889.922739800] [rcl]: Using domain ID of '0'
On a working node, the next lines should be: -[DEBUG] [1654776963.071939700] [rcl]: Initializing publisher for topic name '/rosout'
-[DEBUG] [1654776963.072044000] [rcl]: Expanded topic name '/rosout'
-[DEBUG] [1654776963.074039400] [rcl]: Publisher initialized
-[DEBUG] [1654776963.074124300] [rcl]: Node initialized
Comment by genevanmeter on 2022-06-17:
I am also experiencing this issue on Windows 10 with Humble. It's like there is a limit to how many simultaneous connections or possibly Windows Firewall or Defender's real-time protection kicking in. Not having this issue on Ubuntu.