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I have some developments that I want to test on the following Fanuc robot R-2000iC/210F. I have found that fanuc experimental lists a support package fanuc_r2000ic_support. This package contains configuration data, 3D models and launch files for Fanuc R-2000iC manipulators. Can I use moveit setup assistant, loading the urdf from ~/catkin_ws/src/fanuc_experimental/fanuc_r2000ic_support/urdf/r2000ic210f.xacro, and following the steps on MSA wizard to generate moveit configuration pacakge for the /210F model?



Originally posted by zahid990170 on ROS Answers with karma: 135 on 2021-07-16

Post score: 0


1 Answer 1


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Can I use moveit setup assistant, loading the urdf from ~/catkin_ws/src/fanuc_experimental/fanuc_r2000ic_support/urdf/r2000ic210f.xacro, and following the steps on MSA wizard to generate moveit configuration pacakge for the /210F model?


Originally posted by gvdhoorn with karma: 86574 on 2021-07-16

This answer was ACCEPTED on the original site

Post score: 1

Original comments

Comment by zahid990170 on 2021-07-17:
thanks @gvdhoorn, MSA did not generate moveit_planning_execution.launch file. Also, needed to confirm the following settings were correct: virtual_joint:, child link: base_link, parent frame name: world, joint type: fixed. planning group: arm, kinematic chain: base_link to link_6. planning_group: hand, joints: joint6-flange, link_6-tool0. End effector: group name: hand, parent link: link_6, parent group: arm, ROS_control: FollowJointsTrajectory, thanks

Comment by gvdhoorn on 2021-07-17:
I'd refer you to: Create a MoveIt Package for an Industrial Robot.


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