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The ROS-wiki explained that a ROS distribution is a versioned set of ROS packages but where can i find a list of the packages that were used and their version for the Noetic distribution?

I installed ROS on a Raspberry Pi4 / Raspberry-OS with sudo apt-get install ros-base-dev and I need to know which distribution this would be closest to.

When i start the roscore i get the following output (would upload a screenshot but i dont have enough points yet):

ros_comm version 1.14.3
* /rosdistro: Debian
* /rosversion: 1.14.3

I am very grateful for your help!

Originally posted by mab0189 on ROS Answers with karma: 37 on 2021-03-03

Post score: 0

Original comments

Comment by gvdhoorn on 2021-03-03:\

would upload a screenshot but i dont have enough points yet

From wiki/Support:

Please DO NOT post a screenshot of the terminal or source file [..]

Comment by gvdhoorn on 2021-03-03:
Please note:

/rosdistro: Debian

this suggests you've actually installed the UpstreamPackages instead of a regular ROS install.

Please read the linked page and be aware of the differences and difficulties you can encounter with that.

Comment by mab0189 on 2021-03-03:
Please DO NOT post a screenshot of the terminal or source file [..]

I am sorry i will keep it in mind!


1 Answer 1


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ignoring the fact you've likely not installed ROS Noetic, but an upstream version:

where can i find a list of the packages that were used and their version for the Noetic distribution?

one way to see which versions of packages are currently part of the released set would be to visit the Noetic status page, which lists the versions of all packages in the Version column.

This information is only accurate for versions of ROS installed from repositories.ros.org, not for the UpstreamPackages.

Note that the page linked is for the amd64 build. For RPi you'll have to look at the pages for arm64 or arm32 for Debian or Ubuntu at repositories.ros.org/status_page.

And also note: only those OS versions get binary packages built by the ROS buildfarm. On other OS (such as the popular Raspbian) you'll have to build from source.

Edit: another option would be to look at the noetic/distribution.yaml file. This contains all packages released with Bloom. Part of the metadata is the version of the released package.

For ros_comm for instance:

      - ros_comm
        release: release/noetic/{package}/{version}
      url: https://github.com/ros-gbp/ros_comm-release.git
      version: 1.15.9-1
    status: maintained

which also shows that your version of ros_comm is rather old.

Originally posted by gvdhoorn with karma: 86574 on 2021-03-03

This answer was ACCEPTED on the original site

Post score: 2

Original comments

Comment by mab0189 on 2021-03-03:
I am very grateful for you answer. Thank you very much gvdhoorn! I think the upstream version is not the right solution for my use-case then because it is older and has some differences in comparison to the original ROS. I didn't know that. I will try to build it from source because i must use raspberry os.


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