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So i'm working on a Project where I use an Raspberry Pi. As I need Python3 i installed Ros Noetic with this tutorial: [https://varhowto.com/install-ros-noetic-raspberry-pi-4]

After building It I have kind of 2 installations. I have the one in opt/ros/noetic but also one in ros_catkin_ws_src. In my ros_catkin_ws/src there the same files as in opt. Even the "genpy" "rosconsole" etc. To source my environment I had to use source/devel_isolated/setup.bash. I tested ros with only this setup. It worked fine I was able to launch the roscore and communicate with my Ros on my main Ubuntu Laptop.

Then I tried to create my own package. As my Raspberry was crashing everytime I used catkin_ make (it would install every standard Ros package again), I build my package with catkin_make -DCATKIN_WHITELIST_PACKAGES="ranger_bot". Now I have 2 Ros in my Workspace. I have following: build, build_isolated, devel, devel_isolated, src. The not isolated ones wheren't there before.

Then following appears: I source from my devel_isolated/setup.bash: Roscore works, but I can't find my package. Roscd or Rosrun don't work.

I source from my ~/opt/ros/noetic/setup.bash: Roscore works, but I can't find my package. Roscd or Rosrun don't work.

I source from my devel/setup.bash: I am able to find my package. I can use roscd ranger_bot. But if I'm trying to run the core it won't Work.

If someone could explain to me why I have this weird Filesystem. How to use it Properly or how to fix it?

Oky I found something that works: If I use sudo src/catkin/bin/catkin_make_isolated --install -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release --install-space /opt/ros/noetic -j1 -DPYTHON_EXECUTABLE=/usr/bin/python3 Now I can find my build package. But I'm still completly confuses what my file-system is.

But now I have my package in /opt/ros/noetic/share So i have to put my code into that src folder

Originally posted by Tobmei on ROS Answers with karma: 26 on 2020-09-03

Post score: 0


1 Answer 1


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I have no clue what exactly is going on in my ros_catkin_ws (which was build during the instalation from this website) I just made a completly new workspace and simply used catkin_make and it worked perfectly. I also just build my first own package without problems. I think I'm just going to ignore that Workspace and gonna use my own. I hope that should do it

Originally posted by Tobmei with karma: 26 on 2020-09-03

This answer was ACCEPTED on the original site

Post score: 0


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