This might be something simple, but I am trying to feed the KITTI images into YOLO using Autoware Runtime Manager and show the bounding boxes in rviz. I setup YOLO so that it takes the left color camera image_raw from the ROSBAG generated by kitti2bag and the images are being sent to YOLO as confirmed by both rviz and listening to the topic. However, YOLO does not produce the objects and the ImageViewerPlugin does not show any topics for the Object rect. Same result when I finally got the KITTI player to work.
I tried on both melodic and kinetic on Autoware 1.11. I tried compiling both with colcon (didn't properly compile the kitti player) and catkn. I tried both amd64 and arm. Still the problem is there.
There is no obvious errors in the output of Autoware and ROS that relates to this other than the ordinary "is /clock being published?".
I appreciate your help in advance.
EDIT: I have managed to narrow down the problem. The message is indeed being received by vision_darknet_detect as confirmed by a lot of ROS_INFO calls. The problem happens when the node tries to call darknet_network_->layers in line 100 of vision_darknet_detect.cpp. My best guess is that the node has compiled but the darknet has not compiled properly. I will investigate this further.
Originally posted by soroosh129 on ROS Answers with karma: 3 on 2019-06-14
Post score: 0