Hello, I downloaded the imu_filter_madgwick
tool from here and installed on my catkin_ws
. Unfortunately it does not compile and the problem is due to the file imu_filter_nodelet.cpp.
As I compile the project I receive the following error from the compiler.
`/home/emanuele/catkin_ws/src/imu_tools/imu_filter_madgwick/src/imu_filter_nodelet.cpp:39:24: error: expected constructor, destructor, or type conversion before ‘(’ token
PLUGINLIB_DECLARE_CLASS(imu_filter_madgwick, ImuFilterNodelet, ImuFilterNodelet, nodelet::Nodelet);`
That seems to be due to the following line PLUGINLIB_DECLARE_CLASS(imu_filter_madgwick, ImuFilterNodelet, ImuFilterNodelet, nodelet::Nodelet);
in the .cpp file below:
#include "imu_filter_madgwick/imu_filter_nodelet.h"
#include <pluginlib/class_list_macros.h>
void ImuFilterNodelet::onInit()
NODELET_INFO("Initializing IMU Filter Nodelet");
// TODO: Do we want the single threaded or multithreaded NH?
ros::NodeHandle nh = getMTNodeHandle();
ros::NodeHandle nh_private = getMTPrivateNodeHandle();
filter_.reset(new ImuFilterRos(nh, nh_private));
PLUGINLIB_DECLARE_CLASS(imu_filter_madgwick, ImuFilterNodelet, ImuFilterNodelet, nodelet::Nodelet);
After doing some research I found out that the PLUGINLIB_DECLARE_CLASS...
is deprecated and should be substituted with the following line: PLUGINLIB_EXPORT_CLASS(imu_filter_madgwick, ImuFilterNodelet, ImuFilterNodelet, nodelet::Nodelet);
However as I try to compile the project I get a different compilation error which can be seen below:
`PLUGINLIB_EXPORT_CLASS" passed 4 arguments, but takes just 2
ASS(imu_filter_madgwick, ImuFilterNodelet, ImuFilterNodelet, nodelet::Nodelet);
/home/emanuele/catkin_ws/src/imu_tools/imu_filter_madgwick/src/imu_filter_nodelet.cpp:39:1: error: ‘PLUGINLIB_EXPORT_CLASS’ does not name a type
PLUGINLIB_EXPORT_CLASS(imu_filter_madgwick, ImuFilterNodelet, ImuFilterNodelet, nodelet::Nodelet);`
It seems that no matter what I substitute I can't make catkin_ws
to work correctly.
Is there something that I am missing or can someone point in the right direction on what the problem could be?
Originally posted by RayROS on ROS Answers with karma: 108 on 2019-05-21
Post score: 0
Original comments
Comment by jayess on 2019-05-21:
Please don't use images to post text. Images are not searchable and the text in the images cannot be copied and pasted. Please update your question with a copy and paste of the text instead. See the support page for further information.
Comment by RayROS on 2019-05-21:
Thanks jayess for the comment. I just update the question with the text.
Comment by KennyDeDavion on 2021-09-29:
sudo apt install ros-melodic-imu-filter-madgwick , now not function.